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"Are you really alright, pumpkin?" Deruth worriedly asked his son the moment they returned to the capital. Cale just met a real dragon, aside from keeping a real dragon.

However, given how friendly the dragon was in front of Cale, his suspicions about him grew stronger.

He brushed it off.

Cale smiled sweetly at him and said, "I am fine. You came for me." He tapped his brow on his and smiled sweetly as if he knew he would come for him.

He sighed and patted his head lightly. "A real trouble magnet, a red pumpkin."

Cale chuckled and turned to face his father. He's fine and all, and Deruth is just a plain worrywart.

He can't help but feel warm.



"What would you do if you found out I was going to die?"

Deruth's face became solemn. Cale would never question him without a reason.

"Why Cale? What is the matter?" he inquired, holding his son's hand..

Cale smiled at him. Keeping it from Deruth would make him even more concerned. He was aware that his father could be overprotective at times.

"That grandpa said my body is like a ticking time bomb."

He kept a close eye on Deruth, whose gaze never left him.

"My ancient powers... the dragon said that having more than two ancient powers could kill me, but I am still alive because I have human power—"

"You will never be fine, Cale," Deruth said sternly. "I knew there was something wrong when I first saw your silver shield; I should have stopped you from ta-"

"But I wanted to protect you," Cale said, biting his lower lip.

Deruth came to a halt the moment he heard those words. For a thirteen-year-old to speak about protecting someone breaks his heart, because he should be at an age where his entire world should be parents and he should be protected. Cale spoke as if there was nothing wrong with him. He spoke as if he was not facing death.

His son is so courageous that he couldn't find any fault with him.

"What am I going to do with you?" Deruth cried helplessly.

He simply desired that Cale live happily, healthily, and quietly. He simply wants him to live the life he desires, but knowing that he has such a high price to pay, he regrets being proud of his abilities. If all he'll witness is his son'ssufferingg because of these.

He might never be able to forgive himself.

"Can not you just give them all up and live happily and silently with me?"

"I will live shorter with a broken plate..." Cale said, his voice cracking, "I wanted to live a long happy life with you."

Deruth is overcome with emotion as he holds his son. There has to be a way for him to live without causing himself harm. There must be a way for Cale to live longer with him.

And he knew that every goal has its prize to pay.

"You'll be by my side, right?"

Deruth gazes at his son.

Cale's voice made him cry so hard, "I can take all the pain, I can take it all on as long as you do not give up on me. Do not let go of me, even if it is against all odds; I can take it all and make up for all of your worries. Sooo."