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"Are you planning on returning to the academy tomorrow?" Deruth inquired.

Cale yawns and nods at his father. For the first time in history, Ron was changing his clothes and offering him a cup of milk. He wished Ron would just give him this instead of the terrifying lemonade.

"I have to," he said.

Deruth was debating whether or not to ask him if he wanted to continue. Cale's name has become the talk of the nobles, and they will not leave him alone..

"Cale... do you want to continue?"

Cale looked at him and approached the bed. They've been cuddling for a week now, ever since Ron barred the prince from entering his room and threw him back into the palace. Deruth, who had been very supportive, simply allowed his poor son to sleep with him because he couldn't sleep at night because of that damn prince.

"I will," Cale replied, burying his face in his pillow. "It's fun, though... even though I'm working hard.""

Deruth pats his head and silently makes decisions to keep him safe. Violan can care for Henituse without him, but Cale is not safe in the capital alone. It'll be a long four years, but Deruth believes it's necessary.

So, facing the communication device, he and Violan had a serious talk. He was glad that Violan was such an understanding woman. She said that she can take good care of the county but asked him to visit once every two months for official affairs. Deruth was thankful for that.

Violan says, "People will worship him or worse, deem his curse."

"I'm afraid so. Cale is still too young. If not for this problem, he could just live as a smart-ass brat rather than a genius of the century."

"I have a feeling Cale will be the center of every storm in the kingdom," Violan sighed.

"you think so too? Haha" Deruth laughed, he turned serious and spoke one more time, "I am sorry..."

"for what?"

"I am not a good husband." He's choosing people over people again.

"You are a good husband and a father to the children." Violan solemnly said, "If you're not, Cale wouldn't risk himself to save you. That's how your children love you so much." She smiled at him and said, "He even threatened the first prince he'd destroy the kingdom if you can't be saved."

"He did?" Deruth glanced at the redhead on the bed.

"You are hopeless. You should gossip, once in a while." Violan snorted and bid him goodbye.

He will live in the villa for four years, until Cale graduates from the Academy at the age of fourteen. There are still more than three years left, so everything will be fine. His county will not fall because he will be in charge of both. He can rely on Billos, who has already reversed Cale's order, and Violan, who is already in charge of the situation.

He sat beside the redhead and stroked his hair. He smiled softly as he watched his son sleep like a log, unconcerned about the outside world. Losing someone close to him permanently altered his beloved son's life. He remembered how he trembled when he was angry and how he clung to him desperately when he was sick. He remembered everything, all those tears, all those desperations, and his pained expression as if he had died. He recalls the lifeless expression on his face when he asked him to return to him. His trembling voice while disobeying him.

"My... precious pumpkin..." he murmured, kissing Cale's forehead before returning to his work..


The next morning Cale returned to the Academy. The treatment was even colder than the previous one. There were searching gazes, gazes of envy, it's good that there are no more gazes of mockery but it was greed. He brushed everything aside and continued to attend his classes without minding them.