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Vicross sees nothing but darkness right now. He slashes and flicks the whip with a nail embedded in it. Cale drenched in his blood made his blood boil. He continued to whip the father and son until his whip cracked or broke. He made a small pool of blood, drenching him and bathing him in murderous thirst.

He intended to kill them.


The dungeons were filled with the stench of rotting flesh. The walls were splattered with blood. Cries are nothing more than moans from bloodied, ripped mouths.



Vicross clenched his teeth at the thought of the snipped things. He tosses the whip aside and takes the dull knife from the table.

He smirked with a devilish grin. He approaches the father and son, writhing in agony. He didn't bother undressing them because their clothes were ripped..

The younger one begged, "plow....eyes," but Vicross is not a forgiving man.

"Did you stop when he begged?" he asked. He grinned at the poor father and son before swinging his hand up with the dull blade, cutting that thing men are always proud of. Let good people sow his goodness.

"hah..." he laughs maniacally, "I am not even a good man... how ironic." He grabs 'that' thing and pulls it, "how laughable," and cuts 'it' slowly and painfully with the blunt knife. The thin, dull blade dug slowly into the raw flesh. The hands of the marquis and his heir were tied behind their backs, and a long cord was wrapped around their wrists. Vicross pulled the cord via pully, and slowly hoisted the marquis into the air, where it looked like he was slicing himself with the knife. Vicross used the pulley to slowly hoist the marquis into the air, where he appeared to be slicing himself with the knife. When 'that' thing was about to be severed, he abruptly came to a halt and drew the knife away..

He then put some weight on the pair's feet to make them suffer even more..

"This is nothing compared to the agony and humiliation he endured..." he growled, enjoying the gruesome torture he's inflicting.

And licks the blood from his hands. "I'm not finished... playing with you yet."

His declaration was met with horrified screams.


"are you going to appear in front of the old master like that?" Ron asked his bloodied son. Vicross is worried, he knows that, as he is worried too. Vicross has always been out of it since that day. He even killed many people during the siege, severing countless heads from the bodies with just a whip. "Wash the blood and come here after... look after him... I need to change the bandages first."

"All right," Vicross said, reluctantly moving and cleaning himself. He was always tense when they returned from the villa.

Ron sighed and walked into the Count's chamber.

"Lord... I will be changing his bandages for the time being," Ron said respectfully.

"I will... call me if anything changes, Ron," Deruth said with a nod.

Ron nodded and removed the bandages from Cale's wounds with care. His face was bruised, and his body was riddled with whip slashes. His limbs were fractured. Ron gritted his teeth. He's been changing these bandages, but he still can't get rid of his rage. When he saw Vicross torturing the pair like a madman, he resisted the urge to laugh and used his knives to cut their necks. Ron declared himself to be the son of a bitch who found happiness watching these writhing mongrels by the whip when he saw them with flesh dangling, visible bones, and blood oozing continuously.