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"Not me! Not me! Them!" Cale yanked open the coat in his arms, revealing a gray cat and two severely injured kittens. Ron, "cat tribe," immediately took the three from his young master's arms and carried them to the Villa's infirmary.

Meanwhile, Deruth sagged against the pillar, too weak to even stand on his own due to nerves.

Cale ignored his father and accepted the towel Vicross handed him.

Vicross was staring at him from every angle. This jerk must have assumed I was filthy.

"hah," Vicross sighed before turning around and heating the bath from Cale's room, oblivious to his master's perplexed expression.

"Uncool, huh?" Deruth snarks, lifting Cale like a sack of rice on his shoulder.

"Wait a minute! Put me down!"

"Behave!" Deruth spanks his light and walks into Cale's room. "This is for almost giving me an attack!" he growled, bringing his son on his shoulder like a weight.

Cale couldn't believe that he was so embarrassed!

"Put me down! Dad! This is cheesy! Embarrassing!" Cale whimpers, but another spank meets his butt cheeks.

"As expected... you are the center of trouble once again," Violan said."

"Mother!" praise the Lord for Violan's appearance! "Help me... Dad's not going to let me down."

He whimpered, but Violan ignored him and said, "You deserve it... if I were your father, I would spank you a couple more times... you are always in trouble."

What the fuck did I just hear?

His face contorted into a deep stupefied expression. "You are dirty... you should take a bath," Violan said coolly as she brushed his hair neatly. Unknowingly, Violan smiled at him, and he blushed at her smile, "My cute Sweetie."

Cale did not say anything else and shrank into Deruth's arms. With this kind of setup, his heart is still weak. Violan with a gentle smile is uncommon!!

"Shy little pumpkin, let us get you to the bath," Deruth said, nodding to Violan, who will be in charge of the guests Cale brought with Ron.

Cale wiggled to a more comfortable position while Deruth carried him like a sack. He stopped whining because his father did not want to put him down. When they reach his room, Deruth gently puts him down and looks him straight in the eye.

"Are you all right?" Deruth inquired..

"No," he replied.

Deruth did not believe him and began assisting him in getting out of his clothes.

"There were bruises," Deruth said worriedly, caressing the area where there are light bruises. It appears that when Clopeh saved Cale from the explosion, and given how quickly the situation escalated, he did not notice that he was accidentally hit on something hard, resulting in the bruise.

Cale simply remained silent and let his father sigh deeply as he helped him undress. His father lifted him into the tub and began bathing him with his own hand. The hands were clumsy. Soap and shampoo got into his eyes, and water got into his ears, but he did not complain. Deruth's hands were soft and comfortable. Cale could not stop purring and eventually fell asleep.


Deruth smiled slightly as he bathed his pumpkin. He threaded the strands of hair carefully, but Cale fell asleep while bathing. He took the towel as instructed and lifted his son once more. He gently rubbed the towel through his hair before placing him on his lap. He dressed him so carefully that he did not wake him up and used the hair dryer on him. He positioned the black egg near him and told Vicross not to leave his side.