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Taehyung's POV

I walk down the stairs with a straight face and come across my Uncle who is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. Two young girls are beside him, one of them is rubbing his chest, and the other one is kissing his jaws.

I want to turn away in disgust but I have to face him. "Taehyung," he calls out my name once his eyes find mine. "Uncle," I reply blankly.

"How is school going?" He asks, rather curious. "Fine."

"What about your saxophone lessons?" He asks and my palms start sweating. I can see Uncle Hwan standing behind him, hanging his head low. Two of his bodyguards standing beside him wearing glasses and suits.

"She quit," I answer. The next thing I hear is the glass smashing right next to me. I don't flinch anymore, I just stand, hanging my head low, joining my hands in front of my body.

"Why the fuck did she quit? Care to explain?" He screams and I gulp but look up at him with an expressionless face. "She was trying to force herself on me. I didn't like her so I kicked her out of the mansion," I reply.

He immediately rises from the seat, causing the girls to fall off the couch with a squeak while I get ready for what is about to come. He storms to me and grips my throat, squeezing it.

I still continue to stare at him blankly while his orbs are burning in rage. "I pay for everything and make you live a life so comfortable, yet you keep disobeying me!" He screams at my face.

I whimper slightly when he tightens his grip on my neck, my eyes rolling back but then he releases me and slaps me across the face. I stumble backward, gladly the glasses didn't pierce my skin because of my slippers but a piece still scratched it.

"You kicked her out?" He asks and I try to calm myself down, blinking my eyes, clearing my blurry vision before standing up straight to look at him. "I did. And I'm not sorry," I answer, and another harsh slap lands on my other side.

I feel him kick my stomach and this time I fall back to the ground, my right-hand landing on the glass pieces. I can taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, probably because of the hard slap that cut my lips. I gulp and slowly stand back up, stumbling and falling in the process.

I stare at him and he smirks while fixing his grey hair. "Hwan!" He yells and Uncle Hwan quickly comes by his side. He gives me an apologetic look but I roll my eyes back to my uncle in front. "Bring the saxophone!"

"Yes, sir!" Uncle Hwan backs out and walks over to the big saxophone that it kept across the hall, bringing it back to us. "Hold it," Uncle says, looking at me and I take the instrument in my hands, blood smearing on its gold-plated body. "Play it," Uncle says and I bring the mouthpiece up to my lips, my fingers, ready on the keys.

I am supposed to sit while playing it but my uncle is going to be mad anyways so I don't bother doing it. I blow through the mouthpiece, shutting my eyes when the fingers of my injured right-hand press onto the keys.

I play a small melody on the saxophone, the instrument automatically going down to my right leg because that is how I learned to play while sitting. I can hear Uncle Hwan, clapping his hands softly and trying to cheer me.

After a few minutes, I move the instrument away from me as I feel Uncle Hwan taking it away from me. I stare at my uncle and he scoffs before another slap lands on my face. I twitch my jaw and grit my teeth before looking back at him emotionlessly.

"You are in no way close to your father's talents," he says and turns around. I roll my eyes at him and turn around. I feel Uncle Hwan following me while using a tissue to wipe the blood from the saxophone. "Do you want me to treat your wounds?" He asks but I grab my jaws, twisting it then walking upstairs.

"Don't worry. I'll do it by myself like I always have," I answer and he halts as I walk along the corridor back to my room. I open the door and walk in.

I lock the door and turn back to stroll towards the closet before taking out the medical kit from the drawers when I hear the running of the shower from inside the bathroom. Unknowingly a small smile curves up my lips and I sigh before walking back to my bed.

I sit on the edge of the bed and take the ointment out of the box after inspecting it for a few minutes. I bite my lips at the sight of my messy right hand and sigh. I look up at the ceiling and breathe deeply before closing my eyes for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, I keep the box on the nightstand and try to open the cap. But it quickly gets pulled away from my grip. My eyes shoot up in surprise as I see Y/n looking down at my bloody hands in horror.

Her hair is still wet, some strands still curled at her shoulders as she is wearing a red camisole and satin shorts. I gulp at the scenery and get lost in her charm but am returned to reality when she holds my hands in hers.

She sits beside me on the bed and looks at my hand in concern. "There are so many cuts," she mumbles but I smile using my left hand to tuck her wet locks behind her ear and then cupping her cheek gently. She looks at me in concern. "It's nothing much. Don't worry," I tell her but she holds my wrist and pulls me up from the bed.

I frown at her but she pulls me to the bathroom. I look at her when she drags me to the sink and turns the faucet on, the water falling from it. She pushes my hand under the water and the cold water runs through my hand.

I don't hiss or do anything but just stare at her blankly who is just focused on my hands. "It's nothing much. Don't worry~" she mocks me in a funny tone and glares at me. I smile at her. "It's nothing. Really, kitten," I assure her but she rolls her eyes, turning the faucet off and pulling me back to the bedroom.

She makes me sit on the edge of the bed and then kneels in front of me. I blink nervously as dirty thoughts start creeping up my mind but she grabs the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball, slowly using them to disinfect the cuts on my hands. I don't hiss or react even for once when she finishes my hands and moves down, holding my feet to treat it too. She stands up and does the same for the corner of my lips but peeks at me once when she catches me staring at him.

"Quit staring or I'll punch you," she says and I smile. "If it's your soft hands then I agree to get punched, kitten," I reply and she scoffs. She goes back to the medical box, taking an ointment out along with some bandages and scissors, and gauging tape. She uses the bandages for my hand but just sticks a small gauge tape on my feet. She then rises up, taking out a pea-sized amount of ointment in her finger and aiming it for my lips.

I grab her wrist and she looks at me in confusion. "I can't kiss you if you apply that," I say and she chuckles but applies the ointment to my lips. I sigh and slump my shoulders when she pecks my lips and I stare at her with big eyes as she smiles before saying,

"The ointment is quick to dry. And I applied in a small quantity."


Baby boy wants a kissey 😘

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