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Jungkook's pov

As we were pushed down the murky green lake by our weight, I found myself involuntarily wrapping my arms around his waist as he tightly clutched on my shoulder clinging on me like i was the last sentient peice in this world, My eyes shut down on their own as I fight for any water to enter into them.

After almost submerging into the green water, we felt the uplifting force dominating our weight as we slowly and gradually start raising up, our mouth tightly lipped as we both resisted the unportable water to drift into our mouth but still, I can feel the bitter and extremely rancid smell lingering on my taste buds and nostril, that twists my stomach into knots

I gasps for air the second my head emerged out of the impure contaminated water, same goes with the dark king who was taking deep puffs of air into his lungs while still in my arms

"W-Where are we? I-I have never been h-here! " He claims difficultly as I realized our kinda intimate position, making me reflexely push him away from me. In responce, he payed me with quite a good judging eye but surprisingly stay silent,

What could be more terrifying? His words or silence!

However shaking off the thoughts, I shrugged towards him causing the viscous green water to break into concurrent ripples that travels a little before dwindling into the ambient liquid

"It is your fucking problem! If you could have easily succumbed, then we might not be here atlast not me! What the heck we are going to do now asshole" He yells out of nowhere, his dark black hair sticking to his forehead even poking his sunken eyes a little. He frantically swayed his arms in air to let me know how much agitated he was

"I have heard you are pretty not honest, but seems like you don't have even a ounce of that ethic!" I sarcastically replies as I darted across the lake before looking again at him, "This lake musingly looks comparable to your region's lakes if I am not mistaken! "

He frowns his eyes as he scrunched his nose a little before drifting a little closer, "What do you mean? "

He tried coming out as intimidating as possible but I didn't felt threatened, he was looking honestly far from that,

"I mean you drink green water, right! If my memory serves me good, I have had seen a ghoul of your kingdom relishing on some green liquid" I confesses as he momentarily widened his eyes before squiting them,

"When did you see? Why you enter ou-----" He halts on his sentence as his little long ear perked up, his senses alarming which makes me a little anxious

Am I having a face to face combat with his mother and him and that too alone in this foreign place?

Quite a tangled situation, I know!

".....Did you, Did you hear that!" He hysterically yells as I shook my head, "Hear what?"

He wipes his head towards me while visibly blanching out, his eyes devoid of any colour as he gulps a huge lump of saliva, "Something is in water and----"


"....And that thing is coming towards us " He replies before flinging his arms to and fro and swimming fastly across me,

LIGHT VS DARKNESS // taekook Where stories live. Discover now