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Taehyung's  pov

'Don't taehyung, don't!', I begged myself to stay rooted at the same place, though my eyes trailed back again to jungkook's retreating form, his running figure diminishing the longer his strands took him away.

I felt my veins filled with contrite, the bloody picture of his arm haunting my mind. I tried pacifying everything by inhaling as much air as I could, but all I could feel was jungkook's sweet smell lingering around me.

The slight warmth slowly dwindled into bristling cold, my head whipped back to the direction from where he left. I wonder whether the coldness depicts the absence of a certain green eyed male, or the inhospitable chilly climate of human realm.

"Either way, both shouldn't effect me!", I reminded myself, my eyes trailing at the path from where he left, this everything felt more icy, more exotic and more convoluted. Thoughts overlapping over and over each other and I was yet to find their central idea, the only thing I could conclude was somehow they all were connected with light prince.

'Fuck it!'

My legs followed the slight sweet lingering smell in the unfriendly wintry air, blood drops randomly dribbled on the distant lane. My heart clenches painfully when I deduces these red dots were because of me, because of my impulsiveness, because I was yet to control my anger issues.

'He don't deserve this!', My mind chanted it like a mantra, chiding me for any counter I forward.

I know I was strayed from my right path, the path that sets and teaches me to stay away from him. There was no need to deny the undeniable attraction I felt for him, the compulsion for it was just to have him near me.

At this junction, I was far beyond from my virtuous. I don't need to know it when I am throwing away the thought of formideable spell stick for him–––for what?––– just to have a slight glimpse of him, to see whether he was doing right or not!

I have been detaining myself from the start, detaining the truth from creeping out, detaining my warm feelings for him. I don't know whether this was all a soft spot for his Bambi eyes, or a arousal because of his hot muscular body, but one thing was clear: he was doing something to me which no one have ever done to me.

Well, do I ever madly searched for someone during one of my important mission which is at the stake?

No, never! I never felt the need to.... till now!

I sniffed around, the smell getting potent the near I get to the old cottage.  I halted when another whif of sweet petrichor smell hit me, a lot sour and bitter this time to my olfactory.

I dashed to the backside of the cottage, my eyes wandering around for any shadow. I darted my eyes from the surrounding cottages, to the little trees that surround them as a fence, to the small silhoutteie crouching behind one of a structure.

I bit my lips when I neared the looming shadow, the sour distressed smell accentuating with the steps. Momentarily, my eyes blinked shut when the bright light coming from the source on the pole penetrate my pupils, a miniscule hiss accompanied by a incoherent word erupted out.

I instantly withdrawed my sunglasses, wearing them immediately over my contacted eyes which again seek back to the shadow which was this time directly looking at me.

LIGHT VS DARKNESS // taekook Where stories live. Discover now