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Jungkook's pov

My hands flew up on my temples the second I gain my awareness. My head felt like exploded as if it was hammered by something huge. The viens near my forehead pulsated under my fingers as I groans audibly

"what happens to me?" I inquired within, my head hung down while my fingers worked on messaging my temples, my eyes blinked few times to accommodate with the shooting pain as I gradually rose my head in the vast darkness. Immedaitely, a frown plasters on my face as I peered into dark kings eyes who was watching me keenly from god knows how much time

"W-What are you doing here?––––" I deadpanned, my body shooting yet another bout of pain when I tried to stretch my limbs, I halts at my actions when I was met with silence before I gaze into his eyes again. He sneered visibly before stepping on his feets

"So you are telling me, you don't remember anything that happens yesterday!" He states, his voice dripping with venom. I couldn't comprehend anything what he was saying, what actually happens yesterday? 

As if he tasted my confusion, he added, "You were acting extremely strange yesterday like––––"

I frowns when he stops, his throat bobbed up and down before he gazed into my eyes "Like?"

"You acted like a lovesick, even tried yourself on me? Ewwww" He claimed boldly as I widened my eyes. I quickly rose to my feets, pain all forgotten. I could have for a while believe in the former statement but the latter one was absolutely lie!

Me and try on him. No way in heaven I will do that!

"What nonsence you are talking about? I will never do that" I counter back immediately , he snorts deeply before heading towards me, "And why will I lie about this. You were complimenting me a lot yesterday and even snuggled into my n–––"

"Stop–– Aren't you ample blatant, I mean a lot lot to talk about me like this" I voiced out loudly as I watched him bringing his eye colour back before rolling them on me, "You weren't telling me this yesterday when you pulled the stunt. I don't know you are that much of a coward to deny your ill deeds when on the first place, you commit them"

"I don't know what the heaven you are talking about! I cannot remember anything" I states frustratingly, my hands again massaging my temples as I looked for any memories of yesterday but everything went in vain.

"I know you won't show me your face when you would remember yesterday's memory, so you better drop me on grim city right now" I came out of my ponders when he mocked me shamelessly, I ignored him, before again engaging myself in trying to remember anything. But was again badly disturbed when he poked on my shoulder,

"Hey, you listening! Did you already remember. Are you feeling ashamed? You know, I am very merciful, you can ask for my forgivene––––"

"Can you stop your blabbering for a sencond? I am trying to concentra---" He cuts me off rudely as he again rolled his eyes on me, "You and concentration. Cut the crap already! Just drop me on the grim city, then you can continue with your this excuse"

"Can't your mother do that for you? I mean, you are practically begging me to help you!" I taunted back as he gnashed his teeths, his fists rolling together as he countered instantly,

LIGHT VS DARKNESS // taekook Where stories live. Discover now