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Authors pov

"Can you stop wriggling? We haven't reached the land yet!" Jungkook mentions exasperatedly, his eyebrows drawn together into a slight frown as he stared into the male who was currently in his arms, "We are almost there, it is just some meters awa----"

Taehyung rebuked defiantly but instantly regrets when jungkook's arms that were holding him steathly loosened up which results in him falling from quite a height, he groaned loudly when his back hit the hard rocky surface of grim city. His pain quickly morphed into anger when he realised that jungkook might have done it intentionally, who was meanwhile watching him scrambling on his feet after landing gracefully

"Dipshit! You did it intentionally, right?" Taehyung questioned onces he rose on his feet, his arms folded back as he rubbed on the ached region, trying to soothe the pain caused by it,

"I don't lie, so yes! " Jungkook honestly replies, his eyes boring into taehyung's who snorts at him, "You helped me in returning back here, so I can forgive you this time!"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at the gratitudous statement, but shruggs it soon after. His eyes diverting to the saggy bag that was dangling on dark king's shoulder, he was surprised that he didn't notice it till now. It was droopy and bulged out, clearly indicating that something was inside it.

Even though, he doesn't want to come out as a nosy being, but he couldn't stop his mouth from subduing his surgeing curiousity, "What is in that?" he asks pointing at the bag when he notices the confusing expressions of taehyung

"Oh this, these are–––" Taehyung pauses before fumbling within the bag, before popping a mushroom like plant out from it in his hand, "––those luminating mushroom plants, if that is what they are called"

Taehyung smiles a little before forwarding it towards jungkook who suddenly massaged his temples, "Do you want to touch it, I can allow you that much, but don't go asking 'give me one too', I am not that kind"

Jungkook inspects it wholly with his eyes, denying to touch it as he recapped some memories from yesterday, "Did I tried to eat one?" he questioned between his breath, as inaudibly as possible but due to sharp arbitrary senses, taehyung was quick to catch the words,

"HAHAHA, I don't know you were that famished that you tried to eat these cute mushroom!" Taehyung laughed to taunt jungkook more who rolls his eyes visibly, before gazing back onto the mushroom which was still in taehyung's hands, "They are dangerous, maybe poisonous. You shouldn't bring them with you"

"Yaah, they are pretty dangerous when someone will try to eat them" Taehyung mocks again by emphasizing the word eat, before turning on his heels and sauntering away into the dence forest

"JUNGKOOK" the aforementioned male wiped his head toward the source as he watched his cousin waving his hand frantically towasds him,

"FLY OVER HERE! " Bogum yells loudly, his hands motioning his cousin to come to the other side, who quickly complies by immedaitely soaring to the said land, before exhaling a deep breath when he was tackled by a tight hug, "I was waiting for you since yesterday, I thought you will fly over back soon but no way in my holy dream would I have known that it will take one day to travel back"

"By the way, what was that little creature doing with you. I saw you carrying him back to grim city. You know we haven't opened a charity shop in our kingdom, jungkook" Bogum grimaced before urging his cousin to narrate the whole story, who signs incredously knowing there is no return.


"Why didn't you come to my rescue, mother? " Taehyung inquiried the second he reach his palace, he was informed his mother was relaxing in her room which infuraites taehyung more who marched angrily towards the said room. It was true, the dark queen was sloughed on her luxurious sofa with a wine filled glass served infront of her,

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