C7. Head Of The Family.

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Chapter 7

Emperor Yuan Qing hosted a celebration banquet in the palace to honor the generals.

Clad in their battle-worn armor, the generals only removed their helmets and swords, their weathered faces exuding a regal air.

Cao Xun, the top-ranking military official, was an exception.

Born with fair skin, despite the seasonal tanning during spring, summer, and autumn, Cao Xun naturally regained 70% to 80% of his fair complexion after a winter with minimal sun exposure, as well as a less hectic schedule in the new year due to foreign engagements. This delicate fairness prevented any misconceptions about his standing and set him apart from his fellow sun-bronzed soldiers.

Emperor Yuan Qing frequently looked toward Cao Xun.

In addition to Cao Xun's significant achievements, there was also the fact that Cao Xun possessed an exceptional appearance.

Among the civil and military officials of the Dynasty, only Li Yong could compare with Cao Xun in terms of looks and bearing. With Li Yong absent from the celebration banquet due to his dismissal, it was only natural for Emperor Yuan Qing to be drawn to Cao Xun.

After several rounds of wine, Emperor Yuan Qing rewarded each general based on their merits. In addition to the usual gold, silver, silk, and other gifts, Emperor Yuan Qing had a special proposal for Cao Xun.

"Before Fushan followed his father-in-law to the border, he vowed to reclaim Jiuzhou and remain single. Fourteen years have passed in the blink of an eye. Thanks to your dedication, beloved ministers, and generations of soldiers who served the country with their blood, Jiuzhou has been reclaimed. Should Fushan reconsider? What are your thoughts on a lifelong commitment?"

Fushan was Cao Xun's courtesy name.

Mentioning his marriage amused the civil and military officials, eliciting louder banter, especially from those familiar with Cao Xun.

"In addition to training, this boy is also fighting. He doesn't even look at the mares in the military camp. He's almost a monk!"

This came from Cao Xun's uncle.

"Your Majesty, grant the Great Imperial Uncle a marriage. Maybe he'll find one on his own, but my son is about to get married!"

This comment came from Cao Xun's peer.

Amidst the chatter, Cao Xun simply shook his head and laughed.

Emperor Yuan Qing raised his hand to quiet the room. He smiled and asked Cao Xun: "What do you think, Fushan? Since your return to Beijing, the Empress has reminded me several times, urging me to find you a marriage as soon as possible."

Cao Xun rose to respond, but Emperor Yuan Qing motioned for him to stay seated: "Remain where you are and speak. Today, we are celebrating without distinctions between Emperor and minister."

Cao Xun had no choice but to sit back down, holding his hands together: "I am deeply grateful for the Emperor and Empress's kindness. However, I have been away from the capital for a long time. I wish to spend more time reuniting with my family and friends. When my homesickness has subsided, I will appeal to the Emperor for his graciousness regarding marriage. May I ask if the Emperor can consider this?"

Emperor Yuan Qing chuckled, "No difficulty at all. When you are ready, come and inform me anytime."

A general who had postponed his personal matters for the imperial court until the age of thirty remained a dignified Great Imperial Uncle. As Cao Xun's matchmaker, Emperor Yuan Qing was determined to demonstrate the favor of the royal family to this esteemed hero!

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