C68. Unwavering Dedication: A Life for Yunzhu.

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Chapter 68

Yunzhu was at a loss as to what Cao Xun truly desired. It seemed as though he took her seriously, warning her with a cold and aloof demeanor not to entice the young emperor, yet also treating her with kindness and flattery.

He expressed attraction to her beauty and treated her with kindness. However, his commitment seemed superficial, as he easily walked away at a crucial juncture, suggesting it was not essential to him.

However, if anyone were to suggest that Cao Xun harbored genuine affection for her, she would burst into laughter.

Truthfully, Cao Xun was simply abiding by his pre-marriage warnings.

"I will respect you, but your actions will determine the course of our relationship," he had told her. "I am not a foolish young man swayed solely by your beauty. Misbehave, and I will not stand for it. But if you bring honor to us, we will grow old together. However, should you fall for someone else, I will divorce my wife."

As long as Yunzhu stayed within his tolerance, Cao Xun willingly indulged her and followed her lead. Yet if she stepped over that line, he did not act as a naive young man captivated by her beauty.

He couldn't help but notice a flicker of interest in her eyes as she spoke to Cao Shao, and a sly smile crept across his own lips as he casually invited him to dinner.

He reminded her that power was a fleeting flame, and those who chased its warmth risked getting burned.

He suspected her intentions and taunted or warned her without concrete evidence, only contemplating divorce if undeniable proof surfaced.

The mere thought of being divorced sent shivers down Yunzhu's spine.

Having already been jilted once, she could not bear the shame of divorce. Even if she could not reconcile with Cao Xun, she desired a quiet parting without causing undue pain to her family.

Thus, when Cao Xun sought reconciliation and offered apologies, Yunzhu was inclined to accept.

Therefore, when Cao Xun sought reconciliation and offered apologies, Yunzhu was predisposed to accept.

After a moment's contemplation, Yunzhu playfully nipped at Cao Xun's lips as he leaned in to kiss the corner of her mouth.

Though Cao Xun's muscles tensed, he did not move his head.

Yunzhu made sure not to break the skin with her bite. If there were any visible marks, it would have been an embarrassment for them both.

She then proceeded to bite his shoulder, knowing that no one would witness it, allowing herself to be a bit more ruthless.

Cao Xun permitted her to bite him, and as his shoulders bore the marks of her teeth, he lowered his head.

Yunzhu averted her eyes.

Cao Xun gently held her face, turning it back to him and whispered, "I was wrong. I will never speak to you in that manner again."

To which Yunzhu fiercely retorted, "No, I am frivolous. If I weren't, I wouldn't have dared to seduce you. Say whatever you want. And if you use this as a reason to divorce me someday, I will accept it willingly."

Cao Xun frowned. "What are you talking about? That day will never come."

Yunzhu sneered, "Who knows? You are a prestigious high-ranking official and uncle to the Emperor. Dealing with a mere minister is child's play for you, let alone me."

Cao Xun gazed at her and solemnly remarked, "If I ever did wish to end our marriage, I would not have a peaceful end in this lifetime."

Yunzhu was taken aback. She never expected him to casually curse himself in that manner. If he had purposefully changed course to caution her, it would have raised doubts about his sincerity.

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