C90. Jujube.

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Chapter 90

In mid-August, Yunzhu had accompanied Cao Xun to Weizhou, and half of the border patrol was completed.

It was a sultry autumn day. Yunzhu had grown weary of riding in the carriage and decided to go horseback riding to get some fresh air.

Cao Xun instructed Ah Jiu and the guards to continue on at a steady pace, while he joined Yunzhu as they rode ahead on horseback.

After a couple of miles, they came upon a wide canyon with rolling mountain peaks on both sides. A clear stream flowed through the middle, and a large rocky beach stretched between the river and the foot of the mountain, overgrown with weeds, shrubs, and colorful wild flowers.

The clear blue sky above the canyon was dotted with white clouds.

Taking a deep breath of the sultry wind, Yunzhu turned to Cao Xun and remarked, "This is the second most elegant place I have encountered on this border patrol."

"The most elegant, of course, being the sea of Shanhaiguan."

Cao Xun smiled and replied, "Let's not concern ourselves with rankings. The further west we go, the more magnificent the scenery will become."

Yunzhu leisurely led her horse, taking in the elegant mountains and rivers on either side.

Upon reaching the center of the valley, Cao Xun suggested, "It's time for lunch. Let's rest here at noon."

Yunzhu looked at the sun, still some distance from its zenith, and surmised that Cao Xun simply wished to indulge her. She smiled at him.

Cao Xun dismounted.

Patrolling the border was a serious matter, and he did not divert from the route to relish the mountains and rivers solely for her pleasure. However, at each beautiful location, Cao Xun was willing to linger a little longer to allow the young lady to enjoy herself.

Leaving the horse to graze, Yunzhu went to the stream first.

The stream was crystal clear, shallow enough to only cover the surface of her feet. She gazed at her reflection and saw her disheveled hair, tousled by the breeze. She took the opportunity to straighten it.

When she finished, Yunzhu turned and saw Cao Xun standing nearby with his back to her, holding a freshly picked elegant wildflower. The flower was clearly intended for her, but Cao Xun remained motionless, lost in thought.

Yunzhu approached him.

Cao Xun heard her footsteps, glanced at her, and indicated a spot on the opposite mountain wall.

Yunzhu followed his gaze, searching back and forth until she spotted several clusters of bright red dots, resembling small red berries on a wild shrub.

"They are wild jujubes," Cao Xun explained. "Thin-skinned, small-fleshed, and large-cored with a sweet and sour taste. You can pick them as snacks to enjoy on the road."

Teasingly, he offered the flower to Yunzhu, then tucked it into his waistband.

Yunzhu instinctively grabbed his wrist, then used her eyes to measure the distance between the wild jujubes and the foot of the mountain, dissuading him, "Never mind, the mountain wall is too steep. They are just wild fruit, not a rare find."

Cao Xun looked at her and smiled, "But I do like them."

Yunzhu sighed.

Cao Xun led her directly to the location. "Do not worry, if it proves too difficult to climb, I won't risk it. After all, I am no longer a young man."

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