C24. Me, Myself & You (Stuff).

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Chapter 24

The room was enveloped in absolute darkness, the same darkness that shrouded the bed.

Yunzhu wept in the protective embrace of Cao Xun.

After three days of adjusting to married life, Yunzhu had begun to discern Cao Xun's temperament. In the daylight, he was virtuous and his actions matched his gentle demeanor. As long as he was in a good mood, he was compliant and attentive to her every whim. However, as night fell, he became increasingly domineering.

"Maybe other newlyweds are like us."

Despite their marital harmony, if it became truly unbearable, Yunzhu would opt to sleep in a separate room. However, Cao Xun's words--"There's no one like you"--left her feeling conflicted. As a first-time bride, she had no precedence to refute his behavior, but she held firm to the truth that less is more. "You should be more restrained."

In the darkness, Cao Xun whispered to the distressed young woman: "If a man is enlightened at thirteen, I have been abstinent for seventeen years."

Yunzhu retorted, "Such shameless boasting!"

Cao Xun pressed on, "Say it again?"

Before she could respond, the thirty-year-old Cao Xun silenced her with a kiss, regardless if she wanted to curse, scream, or plead for mercy.


The radiant summer sun filtered through the delicate Gaoli window paper, its warmth obstructed by the ornate tapestry screen. Little of its light managed to breach the confines of the scarlet wedding bed.

Yunzhu awoke to the persistent chirping of cicadas.

As she blinked her eyes open, she realized she was nestled in the disheveled red silk quilt, curled up with disarrayed bedding barely concealing her modesty. She was the sole occupant of the vast bed.

Yunzhu gazed at the screen outside the bed, recollecting Cao Xun's departure to the Governor's Mansion for official duties as his wedding leave had come to an end. However, the words he had whispered in her ear before leaving eluded her memory. At that moment, her only desire had been to continue sleeping, possibly prompting her to impatiently urge him to leave.

As she stirred, hunger pangs overtook Yunzhu. She gingerly touched her flat belly and her thoughts inadvertently turned to Cao Xun's prowess.

Although Yunzhu had never encountered any other man, if Cao Xun stood out among the crowd, others would surely pale in comparison. Initially, she felt torn between gratitude for having an accomplished husband and annoyance at his exceptional abilities.

Lazily sitting up, Yunzhu reached for the neatly-folded underclothes on the bedside. She surmised that Lian Qiao and Shiliu must have witnessed her unkempt appearance, her sleeping posture, and the various marks on her body. Dismissing their presence, she decided there was little point in trying to shield them from what they had likely already observed.

Summoning a maid with a bell, two swiftly arrived, one carrying a basin. One of them jokingly remarked, "Madam, this time you slept an extraordinary duration! A good three-quarters of an hour!"

Yunzhu first rinsed her mouth with plain water and then had a cup of warm water to soothe her throat before inquiring, "When did the Duke leave?"

Lian Qiao replied, "There is a court assembly today, and he rose early before dawn, simply consuming a quick meal to sate his hunger before stepping out."

Yunzhu huffed in amusement. Despite knowing he had an early start, he had come to her twice the previous night. It would be amusing if he dozed off during the assembly.

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