C49. Li Yao Embarks on Married Life.

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Chapter 49

In February, the capital was enveloped in the atmosphere of spring.

Sun Yurong made several visits to Duke Dingguo's mansion. Lately, she frequented the inn where people gathered, hiding in the carriage and discreetly seeking out handsome men. Each time she made a promising discovery, she would come to Yunzhu and share the news.

"Not only do I aspire to marry a Jinshi, many of the noble estates have deployed agents to keep a watchful eye on the candidates."

Yunzhu smiled. "When will the results be announced?"

"The examination is delayed this year. It is said that the results will be revealed on the ninth day of March, and the palace exams will commence on the twelfth," Sun Yurong replied.

Yunzhu then questioned the point of commencing her search for a suitor so soon, when the results had yet to be released. She warned that if the man she sought had not succeeded, she would have bestowed her affections in vain.

"You don't understand. There are several renowned candidates from across the nation who are the most likely to pass the Jinshi examination. They are the ones I have set my sights on," Sun Yurong explained.

It became clear to Yunzhu that Sun Yurong was resolute in her desire to wed a Jinshi from outside the local area.

During her dinner conversation with Cao Xun that evening, Yunzhu shared the criteria Sun Yurong had set for choosing a spouse.

Cao Xun mused, "Even if one marries into a family of lower status, as long as the individual possesses genuine talent and learning, they may achieve success within a decade."

Civil servants rely on seniority and do not foresee rapid advancement. Conversely, a military officer may quickly ascend the ranks through commendable military service, but the risks are high and often exact a toll on their life.

"I fear that once people achieve success, they become arrogant," Yunzhu voiced her concern.

Yunzhu has heard many similar stories from the elders. A man from a modest background leverages his wife's family's wealth and connections to secure his own prosperous future. However, once his influence surpasses that of his wife's family, he becomes dismissive of them. He then seeks comfort in the arms of concubines, proudly reveling in their admiration, while his wife is left feeling neglected and discontented.

"It is certainly possible, but love between husband and wife must stem from genuine affection. Not everyone from a humble background is devoid of compassion, and not every member of a high-born family is an unfaithful partner," Cao Xun weighed in.

Yunzhu looked at him and inquired, "Are you boasting?"

Cao Xun chuckled. "I believe I have outgrown romantic pursuits."

Yunzhu muttered under her breath, recognizing that he simply sought comfort and pleasure in the present moment.


Li Yao and Gu Min's wedding is scheduled for the fifth of March.

Yunzhu returned to her parents' home on the first day of the new year to assist her mother in preparing for the wedding banquet.

Meng's daughter exclaimed in annoyance, "I said I didn't need your help, so why are you rushing back? Fushan is home alone."

Yunzhu replied, "He is already thirty-one, and he doesn't need my care. Why don't I stay with you for a few days? He supports me, so you can be lenient."

Meng shi agreed, "Okay, come on, I'll teach you how to prepare such a big banquet."

Yunzhu happily followed her mother to learn.

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