C93. Can Stand Up To Three Or Four Young Men.

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Chapter 93

Numerous verified facts indeed demonstrate Cao Xun's sustained youthful vigor. Taking a concoction thrice daily, he quickly regained his customary vitality after a short duration.

However, Yunzhu, perturbed by caring concern, advised him to take another day's rest.

After convalescing fully, Cao Xun engaged in drills alongside Marquis Pingxi and other accomplished generals. Unfailingly, Yunzhu attended these exercises.

Notable for his robustness and expertise in military training, the venerable Marquis Pingxi commanded elite soldiers and artfully honed the Suzhou border troops. Under his guidance, Cao Xun, as the governor of the border patrol, found himself at ease.

Following a successful drill session, local military leaders, eager for a challenge, faced off with Cao Xun.

He vanquished three adversaries in succession, garnering the admiration of Marquis Pingxi. Upon Cao Xun's return, Marquis Pingxi suggested, "Time is running short. Let us conclude today. What do you say to offering guidance to my grandson tomorrow?"

Upon hearing this, Cao Xun turned to Cen Hao, who was eager to partake in this rare opportunity to compete with Cao Xun alongside his comrade, Xie Lang.

Cao Xun, with a smile, proposed, "I am a few years your senior. Engaging in singular combat could disadvantage you both. Why don't you and Xie Lang join forces against me and see if you prevail?"

These words stirred the ardor of the two young men, as they eyed Cao Xun and were eager to unite in overcoming him.

Consequently, Cen Hao once again lodged at the official residence, likely strategizing with Xie Lang to overcome Cao Xun.

Elsewhere, Yunzhu expressed trepidation, wondering whether Cao Xun could withstand the combined efforts of Xie Lang and Cen Hao.

Cao Xun, in his usual elegant manner, insisted, "There is no ignominy in victory or defeat in a martial contest. If they succeed, I will take pleasure in nurturing future guardians. If they fail, I shall impart a lesson to deter hubris and arrogance in youth."

Indeed, his words harmonized with Cao Xun's customary dignified bearing.

Unsure whether Cao Xun's sentiments were genuine, Yunzhu, with a murmur, declared, "Then, I will abstain from witnessing the event. Success will sit comfortably with me, but your sagacious spirit upon defeat, I cannot emulate."

Cao Xun, taking her into his embrace, soothingly pledged, "Fear not, I am determined to leave you beaming."

Intentionally, Yunzhu queried, "And what if the light is extinguished?"

Cao Xun tactfully replied, "The decision rests with you."

The following day, Xie Lang and Cen Hao promptly made preparations. Soon after Marquis Pingxi had his breakfast, he summoned a brigade of military leaders to the official residence to witness the spectacle.

Adjacent to the official residence stood a diminutive martial arts training ground. Positioned along either side were a group of military leaders, with Yunzhu accompanying Marquis Pingxi.

As Cao Xun and his rivals made their way to the center of the competition ground, Marquis Pingxi fondly remarked to Yunzhu, "This man Fushan has always embraced old-fashioned and conservative ways. Marriage ought to engender an individual's maturity. However, instead of maintaining a steady course, he has become bolder."

Marquis Pingxi's urbane countenance was teasing, as his gentle eyes rested on Yunzhu, whose cheeks acquired a rosy hue.

Initially inclined to suspect that Cao Xun sought to prove himself as deserving as any other, Yunzhu's suspicions were substantiated when Marquis Pingxi echoed her sentiments.

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