C51. May the 7th: End of Emperor Yuan Qing's Reign

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I Chapter 51

Cao Xun, a busy man who leaves early and returns late, only has three holidays a month to spend the entire day with Yunzhu.

In the past, when he was away, Yunzhu liked to visit her natal family. Now that her natal family has a sister-in-law with whom she can talk, Yunzhu loves to visit even more.

Meng shi feigned disapproval towards her daughter: "How can you keep running home like this every two days?"

Yunzhu confidently retorted: "I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see my sister-in-law."

Gu Min smiled gently.

The three women were enjoying the garden together.

Meng shi was very curious about the marriage between Sun Yurong and Xu Guan.

Yunzhu, well aware of the situation, explained: "The Xu family is far away in Chang'an. Xu Guan sent the news and then fetched his mother, brother, and sister-in-law. The round trip will take three or four months. With the preparations, the wedding date will likely be set in September."

Meng shi asked: "Where will the young couple live after they get married?"

Yunzhu replied: "Yurong has a dowry house, but Xu Guan stated that his family has a modest income and can buy a house in the capital. He has already selected one and is waiting for the money to be sent from his family before finalizing the paperwork."

Meng shi remarked: "Men are always concerned with appearances. No matter what, Xu Guan is a seventh-rank official. He can buy a house for himself, so of course he won't live in his wife's dowry house. If word gets out, his colleagues will look down on him."

Gu Min interjected: "Last time I went home, I heard my grandfather praise Xu Guan, saying that the Duke of Qi had chosen the right son-in-law."

Yunzhu pondered to herself that Duke Qi had never worried about choosing a son-in-law. It was undoubtedly Cao Xun who helped. But even Mr. Gu praised Xu Guan, indicating his excellence.

Meng shi had other matters to attend to and left the two younger women to go shopping on their own.

Yunzhu led Gu Min to the pavilion and asked with a smile how she was getting along with her brother. Gu Min lowered her eyes and smiled, responding: "Really? I don't think so yet. At most, he speaks more straightforwardly and acts a little informally."

Even before getting married, Gu Min knew that Li Yao was not a scholar and would eventually go to the battlefield to fight.

Therefore, Gu Min did not expect Li Yao to behave like a scholar and gentleman.

After Gu Min finished speaking, she did not hear Yunzhu respond for a long time. She raised her eyes curiously and saw Yunzhu holding her chin in one hand and smiling at her.

Gu Min blushed and asked: "Why are you smiling like that?"

Yunzhu replied: "I'm happy for my brother. I'm glad he found someone so gentle and fond of him. I'm even envious of his good fortune."

Gu Min hesitated for a moment and asked softly, "What color does your brother usually like? I wanted to make him a summer robe, but when I asked, he said he wouldn't be picky and told me to make it however I wanted."

Yunzhu said helplessly: "You really don't understand. You don't need to put in that much effort. If you do, he won't know how to cherish your feelings. It's like playing the harp to a cow."

Gu Min smiled: "I have nothing to do, so I just want to pass the time."

Yunzhu pondered for a moment before speaking, "Red, right? I remember my embroidery room used to gift me new clothes when I was a child. Every time, my brother would praise the red ones for their beauty. What does he know? He must have a liking for red."

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