C28. Youth's Open Door: Seize the Moment.

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Chapter 28

In Duke Ding's mansion, aside from the Pan shi and the servants in Cao Shao's residence, all other servants had been trained by Zhang Tai on orders from Cao Xun and were loyal to him. Not to mention Zhang Tai's methods, a master such as Cao Xun was enough to earn their allegiance.

Thus, even if he didn't inform Yunzhu of Pan's movements and departures, she could easily discover such information if she so desired.

"Madam, Madam Marquis Changxing has arrived," exclaimed Lian Qiao, drawing back the curtain excitedly to gaze upon her master, seated on the couch and engrossed in perusing the accounts.

Yunzhu's interest was piqued. The day prior, Pan had made arrangements to meet with Madam Marquis Changxing to pay her respects at the temple. Today, with her sudden visit, it was clear that Pan must have received a response from the elder.

Regardless, as an elder, Madam Marquis Changxing had to be greeted, and so Yunzhu made her way towards the main courtyard.

Yunzhu was the first to lay eyes upon Madam Marquis Changxing upon her arrival. "It has been a while since I last saw you, Aunt, and you appear as lively as ever," greeted Yunzhu with a smile, offering common formalities. Madam Marquis Changxing, just alighted from her carriage, saw Yunzhu, now clothed as a young married woman, and it was as if she had caught sight of a fairy, deeming the entrance to Duke Dingguo's mansion to be even brighter than before.

Madam Marquis Changxing had watched Yunzhu and Sun Yurong grow up, and so she had long been aware of Yunzhu's beauty, understanding why both Cao Shao and his son Xie Lang were openly and secretly pursuing her.

When Cao Shao expressed his regret over his marriage, Madam Marquis Changxing was pleased for her foolish son, who had finally been given a chance to bring home the beauty. However, she had not expected Cao Xun to interfere.

"Don't tease me, Auntie. Standing alongside a beauty such as yourself makes me feel like a wilting flower," Madam Marquis Changxing affectionately took Yunzhu's hand, gazing at her with a tinge of regret. "Such a lovely girl. Why did you not become my daughter-in-law?"

Yunzhu responded with candor, "I am already married, and yet you still tease me. No wonder my mother says you are never serious."

Madam Marquis Changxing scoffed. "Amongst our generation, your mother is the most unruly. You are simply too young to comprehend."

Yunzhu smiled and inquired, "Did you come here today to speak to the elder madam or to see me, Auntie?"

Madam Marquis Changxing, feeling slightly embarrassed, remarked, "There are some matters that I need to discuss with the elder Madam."

Yunzhu raised her eyebrows in response.

Madam Marquis Changxing smiled bitterly, maintaining a composed silence.

At that moment, Pan shi, adorned in an elegant and exquisite gown, arrived, appearing every inch the mistress of the house.

Desiring to deliver her response to Pan shi privately, Madam Marquis Changxing discreetly signaled to her.

Unaware of Pan shi's intentions, she sought to gauge Yunzhu's reaction while conversing with Madam Marquis Changxing. She worried that Yunzhu might be pained to learn of Shao'er's engagement to Xie Wenying. Unbeknownst to her, this was precisely the angle Pan shi intended to exploit to undermine Yunzhu.

"Yunzhu is not an outsider; let's discuss this in the hall," Pan enthusiastically ushered Madam Marquis Changxing to the main hall. Eager to witness the unfolding drama, Yunzhu followed suit.

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