C27. I Won't Marry Him!

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Chapter 27

Upon Cao Xun's return to the back house, he discovered that his young lady had changed into undergarments and was reclining on the bed.

Cao Xun lifted the curtain and playfully chided her, "Have you no desire to engage in another round?"

Yunzhu shot him a dismayed look. This man maintained a genteel and dignified exterior in public, but in private, he acted with complete disregard and was capable of engaging in the most absurd behavior.

After lowering the curtain, Cao Xun strolled over to the clothes rack to discard his attire.

Yunzhu lay on her side, observing him through a sheer veil, awaiting his words.

As Cao Shao arrived at that moment, there was sure to be an important matter at hand.

Cao Xun had no intention of disappointing her and explained composedly, "My second brother is contemplating marriage. He came to inform me that the lady he is seeking is no stranger to you; Marquis Changxing's beloved daughter Wenying."

In his mention of Xie Wenying's disposition, it was akin to how he referred to Gu Min as "A Min", akin to an elder interacting with a junior.

Yunzhu paid no heed to this detail. At the conclusion of Cao Xun's initial statement, the inquisitive look in her eyes froze, and a sudden sense of emptiness overcame her heart.

Yunzhu struggled to articulate her emotions at that moment.

However, she realized that her countenance must have betrayed her inner turmoil; even a feigned smile could not elude Cao Xun's astute gaze. So, when Cao Xun approached her once more, Yunzhu instinctively turned away.

Cao Xun seated himself on the bed, leaned in, and discerned that she was merely fixated on the interior of the bed board, with no overt emotions registering on her lovely and delicate countenance.

Cao Xun tenderly brushed her soft tresses and uttered, "If you feel the need to cry, just let it out. I understand."

Yunzhu had no inclination to shed tears whatsoever, but for some reason, when Cao Xun made this statement, the tears flowed of their own accord!

Is it really worth her tears for Cao Shao?

Furious at herself and Cao Xun for provoking her tears, she abruptly sat up and raised her hand to strike him, "Who said anything about crying? Are you talking nonsense?"

Cao Xun observed the tears suspended on her cheeks and wordlessly proffered a handkerchief.

Yunzhu snatched the handkerchief and cast it beyond the canopy.

The delicate silk handkerchief was obstructed by the diaphanous gauze curtain and descended gently. It failed to mimic the effect of shattering a tea bowl or vase to assert the owner's aura.

Yunzhu clenched her teeth, turned away, and reclined once more.

Cao Xun leaned in and noticed the brightness in her eyes, recognizing that she didn't intend to weep aloud. Therefore, he lay down beside her and directed his words to the ceiling of the bed, "If there is something troubling you, it's better to speak of it. Keeping it inside will only hurt you. And as for the rest, I knew about your childhood bond, so there's no need for apprehension.”

Yunzhu was simply disheartened!

Despite Cao Shao's regrets about the marriage, she understood that it was Pan's wish. Cao Shao still loved her. His affectionate words and years of tenderness were genuine. For such a sincere young man, the time spent with him as childhood sweethearts was not in vain.

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