C79. The Last Breath of the Little Emperor.

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Chapter 79

Emperor Qianxing was the victim of an assassination, prompting the declaration of martial law throughout the capital. Extra sentries were stationed at all entrances, allowing entry or exit solely at the discretion of the Empress Dowager.

Upon receiving the news, all civil and military officials, dukes, marquises, and counts hastily abandoned their tasks to don their official attire and converge upon the imperial city, resembling a swarm of bees in their haste.

At the Ningguo Duke's Mansion, Yunzhu hurriedly followed her father and brother, racing out of the house.

Li Yong and Li Yao held the esteemed positions of first-class Duke and Duke's heir, respectively, with the latter serving as a court official. As the young emperor's aunt, Yunzhu was left to wait outside the imperial city, regardless of whether or not Empress Dowager Cao granted them entry. Meanwhile, the female relatives, such as Meng shi and Gu Min, remained at home, awaiting updates.

As Li Yong and his son rode ahead, Yunzhu sat in the carriage, her trembling hands almost entirely concealed by her sleeves.

Thoughts of Cao Xun's words before departing Beijing plagued her mind.

He had speculated that the young emperor harbored an interest in his wife, and suspected that plans were afoot to relocate him from the capital. He implored her not to take unreasonable actions and to await his return, assuring her that in February, there would be a means to dissuade the young emperor's affections.

Yet, on the final day of the lunar month, he fell victim to an assassination.

Had Cao Xun orchestrated it?

Yunzhu's hands trembled even more. How audacious of him! The exposure of the emperor's assassination would be a grave offense against the Nine Clan!

Her family had been subjugated by the young emperor. Although Yunzhu harbored a fervent desire for the young emperor's demise, she had never contemplated the notion of carrying out an actual murder due to the immense risks involved and the impossibility of bribing others. Even if she were to succeed, the entire Ningguo Duke's palace would be interred with the emperor.

So, had Cao Xun executed it cleanly?

Had the assassin been captured or executed?

If the latter, would they implicate Cao Xun?

As they reached the imperial city, groups of officials awaited outside. Moving through the crowd, Yunzhu witnessed Pan shi being aided by Cao Shao, her anxiety causing her legs to falter.

Yunzhu was not in the mood for gloating. She stood beside Pan shi and gazed at the closed palace gates ahead, as if staring into a gaping maw. Entering might mean never emerging, or even standing with the officials, including her father and brother.

Her countenance turned ashen with fear, a fitting response for an aunt upon learning of her nephew's assassination and uncertain fate.

Together, they endured an anxious wait from morning until noon. Finally, the palace gates swung open, allowing entrance to the Empress Dowager, the cabinet ministers, the six ministers, Shen Kuo, the commander of the Jin Yiwei, Pan shi, uncle Cao Shao, and Yunzhu.

Chief Assistant Xia Jin, speaking on behalf of all the ministers, expressed deep concern: "How fares the Emperor's well-being?"

With solemnity, the Eunuch announced the reassuring decree: "The crisis has been averted. Ministers, fear not."

The collective sigh of relief palpably echoed throughout the gathering.

Pan's trembling legs found steadiness, and she hastened toward the Qianqing Palace, keeping pace with the cabinet members and officials.

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