C73. Will Power's Glimmer Dim Cao Xun's Light?

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Chapter 73

After Emperor Qianxing disclosed his wishes to recall Li Yao to the capital, he discreetly observed Cao Xun's reaction.

Seeing Cao Xun furrow his brow, Emperor Qianxing hesitated and inquired, "Uncle, do you believe it would be unwise for Li Yao to return to the capital?"

Cao Xun, appearing resigned, murmured, "I comprehend Your Majesty's intentions. You wish to position Li Yao in the capital to more easily ensnare him and ultimately rid yourself of him. However, do not forget that he is the son-in-law of the influential Gu family. Should any harm befall him, Gu Shoufu will undoubtedly intervene. If a civil servant were to voice opposition, public sentiment could turn against you, tarnishing your reputation."

Emperor Qianxing clenched his fists.

Currently, the cabinet is under the influence of Gu Shoufu. While it appears he is aligned with the Emperor, in truth, his compliance is superficial. When it comes to significant matters, Gu Shoufu wields his silver tongue to manipulate him.

He desired his mother to agree with him, but he was unsure if she was truly swayed by Gu Shoufu or if she was deliberately aiding him and dismissing him as naive.

Growing somewhat agitated, Emperor Qianxing grumbled, "However, if I were to task Li Yao with combating the Japanese pirates, I fear he would once again achieve great feats."

He deliberately signaled a willingness to compromise, hoping his uncle would affirm a pledge that Li Yao would be vanquished or slain in battle, testing whether his uncle's loyalty lay with the family or his nephew.

Cao Xun fell silent for a moment before fixing his gaze on his nephew and replied, "Then request for Li Yao to return to the capital. Nonetheless, before Li Yao's arrival, the Emperor should find a means to remove Gu Shoufu from the cabinet."

Emperor Qianxing was taken aback.

Handle Gu Shoufu first?

He had contemplated this himself, but his father had esteemed Gu Chief Assistant for over two decades. Even foreign nations credited the restoration of Great Xia's prosperity a century ago to the Chief Assistant. Hence, Emperor Qianxing struggled to fathom how he could besmirch Gu Shoufu's reputation. Therefore, for the time being, he sought to unleash his fury on the Li family first.

Cao Xun elucidated, "Only when Chief Assistant Gu is stripped of his power and you exact retribution upon Li Yao in the future, will there be no one in the court to speak on his behalf."

Emperor Qianxing was disillusioned. It appeared that his uncle had no genuine concern for his beautiful aunt. Each action seemed more callous than the last. He had sorely misjudged this person!

After contemplating this, Emperor Qianxing was ecstatic upon realizing what a dependable and caring uncle he had.

Emperor Qianxing inquired, "Then, uncle, please advise me on how to handle Gu Shoufu?"

At that moment, Emperor Qianxing had already guided his towering and resilient uncle to a chair and sat beside him. He displayed complete trust and familiarity, akin to a pupil seeking guidance from a revered mentor.

Cao Xun pondered for a moment before suggesting, "Gu Shoufu has contributed significantly to the nation and upholds an unblemished record in his governance. The Emperor can seek to expose his personal ethics."

Emperor Qianxing responded, "I comprehend. I have instructed Jin Yiwei to investigate the Gu family. However, their family traditions are stringent. Neither the main branch nor its offshoots reveal any substantial transgressions."

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