C61. A Chariot for My Aunt.

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Chapter 61

"Have you sustained any injuries?"

Once Yunzhu had completely calmed down, Cao Xun carefully examined her shoulders, legs, and feet. While guiding her into the carriage, he had deliberately controlled his movements to prevent any harm. However, her refusal to cooperate in her anger left him uncertain if she had been hurt.

Yunzhu remained silent with her head bowed, her long eyelashes casting a delicate shadow. A crooked hairpin adorned her head, with stray strands of hair escaping and framing her face in the dim light of the carriage, giving her an ethereal yet fatigued appearance.

Cao Xun gently adjusted her hairpin, silently noting that they would have to present a certain image upon their return home, thus he refrained from reminding her to tidy her appearance and instead tenderly touched her face.

This soothing gesture prompted Yunzhu to finally look at him before patting his leg discontentedly.

Responding to her, Cao Xun lifted her skirt to reveal the gauze trouser legs and rolled up the delicate fabric, exposing a slender, alabaster calf with a stark red mark near the ankle.

Yunzhu glared at him and blamed, "This is all your fault."

Helplessly Cao Xun replied, "I couldn't have meant to. I even tried signaling to you, but you didn't understand."

Yunzhu retorted, "You were so stern, how was I supposed to comprehend anything?"

Cao Xun acknowledged, "It's my mistake. Next time I'll ensure you understand, even if I have to smile like a fool."

Yunzhu remained silent.

Cao Xun carefully examined her leg, ensuring there was no injury, and let out a sigh of relief. As his face almost touched her leg in the dark and confining carriage, Yunzhu felt a strange unease, and withdrew her leg, readjusted her clothing, and then Cao Xun held her in a tight embrace once again.

Leaning on his shoulder, Yunzhu ruminated on her siblings departing Beijing one after the other and her father's worn and bloodied shoulders. A sense of unease and injustice overcame her: "Is this the future of our family? Whether the scenery is beautiful or not, even the prospect of a reunion... has it become a luxury?"

Cao Xun gently clasped her hand and murmured, "No."

Yunzhu gazed at him intently.

Briefly explaining, Cao Xun said, "I only returned to Beijing last year, my position is not yet firmly established."

Yunzhu pondered his words carefully and a thought occurred to her. Tentatively, she asked, "Are you suggesting that once your position is secure, the Emperor's nephew will have to heed your counsel?"

In this dynasty, it was not uncommon for corrupt officials to hold power. However, military officials had historically abstained from seizing power as they were more inclined towards mutiny, none of which were successful, including several rebellious vassal princes who were all ultimately suppressed by the court.

Yunzhu had long been aware of Cao Xun's cunning nature, yet she did not realize he harbored ambitions of betrayal and manipulating the Emperor's nephew.

Cao Xun smiled and remarked, "It's not about him listening to me, but about persuading him to rule wisely based on reason."

Yunzhu smiled wryly, knowing the young Emperor was a fool who couldn't be swayed by reason. To establish his power, Cao Xun would have to compel the Emperor onto the right path through sheer force, a minister who would make such calculations could be considered treacherous.

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