C10. Play Hard To Get.

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Chapter 10

The polo match unfolded over six rounds, each lasting a quarter of an hour, with a rest period following the initial three rounds.

Yunzhu was relieved to observe her brother's willingness to adapt. After being outmaneuvered by Cao Xun's team once again in the second round, her brother shifted his focus to collaborating with his teammates.

Nevertheless, this impromptu alliance paled in comparison to the seamless teamwork of Team Cao. Despite Li Yao's valiant efforts, his red team still succumbed in the third round.

Observing the twenty valiant men retiring to rest in the courtyard adjoining the polo field, the ladies in the four pavilions animatedly deliberated over the performances of Cao Xun and his team. Moments ago, their collective attention had been riveted on the field, rendering them too engrossed and tense to comment.

Sun Yurong sought to console Yunzhu: "Your brother performed admirably, contributing nearly all the points the red team accumulated."

Li Yao was akin to a tiger, while Cao Xun's black team resembled a pack of wolves. Though the wolves capitalized on their numbers to garner more points, they were unable to thwart Li Yao consistently.

Li Yao's prowess was the talk of the entire city. Even someone bold enough to bait him in the presence of Li Yong would think twice if confronted by Li Yao. His ill fortune was not to be trifled with.

While Yunzhu was cognizant of her brother's might, she harbored a curiosity about the outcome if he were to confront Cao Xun alone.

From her vantage point, Yunzhu observed the polo match unfold. Cao Xun assumed the role of a seasoned tactician, orchestrating moves and guiding each subordinate with finesse. Under his direction, each of the nine Cao Shao players had the opportunity to score, some even outshining Cao Xun. This illustrated Cao Xun's stark contrast with his brother. Personal acclaim was of no concern to him as long as the black team emerged victorious.

An exchange of voices resonated in the distance:

"Even if the red team sweeps the next three rounds, they will only secure a draw with the black team this time."

"Impossible. The black team is formidable; the red team may not secure a single victory."

"Like father, like son. Duke Ningguo experienced defeat, and Heir Li appears to be following in his father's footsteps."

The final comment carried a sharp edge, prompting a steely glare from Yunzhu. The lady who spoke was positioned in the recesses of the Guihe Pavilion, seeming purposefully intent on inciting Yunzhu. While she tried to cloister her conversation from view, Yunzhu unveiled her covert intention. Though unfamiliar, Yunzhu did not recognize the other party.

In a clandestine manner, her maid whispered to her: "Jiang Ling. Her father is a physician in the household department. Her brother had an incident last year when he drank excessively at a restaurant. Once he stumbled out, he harassed civilian girls on the street. When the heir caught him in the act and expelled him. He was literally thrown out. Mr. Jiang remained silent, acknowledging his son's misdeeds, but Jiang Ling harbors resentment towards us."

Yunzhu silently acquiesced.

Attaining the title of Doctor of the Household Department signifies a prestigious fifth-grade official position. It's an esteemed role for a Jinshi to gradually ascend to. Nonetheless, in the expansive realm of the capital that harbors around forty doctors across the six departments, a sole doctor, from Yunzhu's perspective, does not hold a notable official status. These esteemed ladies each have their own social circles, rendering it challenging for Jiang Ling to establish connections and for them to pay heed to her.

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