Earth Our New Home

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Planet Alexin

June 10, 2040


It is summer in Alexin, but doesn't feel like it. The freezing-damp wind rushes through my turquoise and black spacesuit causing my muscles to ache. As I stand on the balcony with an oxygen mask on I long to see the once beautiful landscape of Alexin again. The planet that was once healthy and full of lush greenery is now dying. The waters are poisonous, the air is unbreathable, and the climate has changed. In summer it usually feels like a tropical island with cool breezes, beautiful sandy beaches, clear turquoise oceans, and Areca palm trees. Now as I look around the once clear turquoise oceans are now a slimy green color. The sand on the beaches are black and rocky and there is no leaves on the trees. The sky once a mixture of turquoise blue, purple, peach, and white is now a smoky gray. I am grateful to God, that I had my people load the animals, fruit, food, and surviving plants onto the ships before they became toxic and died. I did the same with the water, but kept just enough for us to survive until we depart today for Earth our new home. We attached toxin free water canteens to our space suits. If we get thirsty we drink from the straw attached inside the suit. We have been sleeping on the space ships since the air can be purified.

All of a sudden a feeling of sadness arises which is strange. I am not sad. Earlier today while on the space ship, I was drenched in sweat feeling like I was about to have a heat stroke. I felt thirsty, then my thirst was quenched all of a sudden. I had the urge to go take a cold shower, but before I did that I was instantly cooled by the feeling of a cold cloth around my neck. My goodness what is happening to me I must be losing my mind unless...can't be... it can't be her. Yet, my father told me that Alexin members of royalty feel their true mates with a stronger bond then Alexin citizens. I thought he was joking since I have never met her, but he was not. Goodness! Our bond must be mighty strong for me to feel her here in Alexin.

Then, an image of a young teenage girl whose face I cannot completely see is kissing me passionately. In the next image, I am inside her. She wraps her slender pecan skinned legs around me as we make love and her head tilts back as we both cry out and climax together. I am instantly erect and feel myself release for real. My goodness! I don't know if she can hear my thoughts, but I send them to her anyway.

"Whoa! Young lady you would have to be much older than you are now for that to happen. I am married so it never will happen. I am sorry whoever you are."

I can't help the smile that displays on my lips though and realize she must have saw me on the clip I sent to President Anton. I don't know how I know she is in the southern part of the United States, but I do.

Have mercy! Why now do I feel her? Why not before when I was forced to marry Trisha. Yet, I still would have had to marry Trisha, because she is not here on Alexin. She is also still too young for me. Alexins do not wed until our early twenties. A feeling of sadness arises, because I will never get to be with her. I will never know her name, and never see her whole face. Tears start to fall from my eyes in the space suit.

Dammit Brileon! Why did you have to agree to marry Trisha?


"Brileon you will marry Trisha and that is final! I don't want to hear anything else about you finding your soul mate." King Leon Triston my father says. He prefers Triston over Leon so everyone calls him King Triston. His wife and closes friends just call him Triston.

"But, Father. Mom was your soul mate."

"Yes, son she was. I am sorry you have to marry. I am dying and the citizens will not follow you if you do not have a queen. It is a tradition, a stupid one, but a tradition nonetheless. You don't have time to find your soul mate son. I love you and want you to be happy, but you have to marry Trisha today. Maybe, God will send you the right woman someday as he did me with your mom. Remember, I had to remarry when she passed even though I did not want to. That is why Lida is the queen."

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