My Mom Is Alive

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King Brileon

As I walk back to my red ford mustang Josanna walks outside the hospital with several other people who should be inside working. She walks up to me just as the helicopter that took off with Ala comes back around. It lands a few feet from me. The pilot shuts off the engine of the helicopter. A woman steps out and all I can do is stare, then blink wondering if I am seeing a ghost.

The woman looks at Josanna and says, "Young woman get the hell away from my son!"

Sure enough it is my mom.

Josanna smacks her lips, puts her hands on her hips  and says, "Old woman mind your damn business. The King and I are..." is all she gets out as my mom rushes her. She grabs Josanna by the shirt collar and picks her up off the ground. She brings Josanna's face close to hers.

"Little girl don't play with me. You don't even care about my son. All you want is what he can give you. Get the hell out of my sight before I make you regret disrespecting me." My mom threatens and drops Josanna hard onto the ground.

Josanna light brown skinned face is pale. She scrambles up off the ground wipes her pants off and rushes back into the hospital not even daring to glance at me. I can't help, but smile. My mom never did tolerate disrespect.

My mom looks at me again with a pissed off expression on her face. The Kenton's, Jared, Lana, and Kirsten walk up just as my mom slaps me hard across the face.

Mr. Kenton chuckles and my mom nods.

"I am sorry for my son's ill treatment of your daughter Mr. Kenton." My mom says.

"Ma'am do not apologize for something you could not control. He alone is to blame for his actions." Mr. Kenton says.

My mom nods and glares at me.

"Brileon Andreas Triston! I am so pissed with you. I raised you better. I told you I would not tolerate you mistreating any woman." My mom says.

"Mom I..." is all I get out as my mom starts fussing at me even more.

"Shut the hell up! I am so upset with you. I am glad Ala punched your stupid ass. You deserved it for lying to her. She cares for you and my grandchildren Brileon. While that Danica girl does not?" My mom says taking the cheek that Ala punched in her hand. I wince.

"How do you know about Danica?" I ask.

"Did I give you permission to talk?" My mom says and I clamp my mouth shut.

All the Kenton's and the people standing around start chuckling. My mom glares at them and they shut up.

"I know a lot of things Brileon and will tell you later for now..." My mom gasps as if she forgot something important.

"Lucian! Bring your sister out here." My mom orders.

Lucian opens the door to the helicopter and my face pales. Ala is in his arms passed out. Lucian has tears falling down his face as he says, "If I didn't have my twin in my arms and I had your mom's permission I would kick your royal ass."

I rush to Ala and my legs give out. I almost hit the ground, but I feel two men grab me to keep me from falling. I look to see who it is. It is Jared and Mr. Kenton.

"Bri are you okay?" Jared asks.

I am not sure. Tears start to fall down my face and I feel very weak.

"Lucian hand Ala to Brileon." My mom tells Ala's brother.

Lucian hesitates for a second, but hands me Ala. I take her in my arms and cradle her against my body. Tears fall in cascades down my face. Ala moans and stirs. She wraps her arms around my neck and says, "I feel so weak. I am so hungry, and so thirsty what is wrong with me?"

I feel two heart beats along with Ala's. I smile and kiss her. She moans and returns my kiss. Her fingers run through my hair as she pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. I become hard instantly and moan against her lips.

"Goodness are they going to make love out here in front of all of us." I hear someone say and I feel the blush that rises on my face. I break the kiss and Ala whimpers.

I smile and say, "No, we are not."

Some of the people say, "Thank God!" while others say, "Aw man!" to those people I glare and they all walk away just like Josanna did a few minutes ago.

I walk to the helicopter and get in. My mom follows smiling while Lucian does the same, but he is scowling. The Kenton's walk up to the helicopter followed by Jared, Lana, and Kirsten.

"Mr. Kenton I know you are angry with me, but please whisper to me the location of your safe house." I say.

"For what?!" Mr. Kenton snaps still sounding pissed.

I motion for him to come nearer and he does. I whisper in his ear, "Ala is pregnant with twins. I don't know how I can tell this soon, but I can. Your safe house is the safest place for her and your grandchildren."

Mr. Kenton's eyes light up. He walks on the helicopter and kisses Ala's forehead. He looks at me, shakes his head, smiles, and whispers the location and address of the safe house. He pulls a key out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Jared please take my private jet and fly it to the location Mr. Kenton tells you. Call Dr. Harper. Pick her up and bring her with you too. Pick up my sons as well." I tell Jared.

Jared looks at me and looks at Ala. His eyes quickly fall to her stomach then back up to mine. I nod my head and he smiles.

"Can someone tell me what is wrong with my daughter?" Mrs. Kenton asks getting impatient. She I can tell is very concerned about Ala.

"I will sweetheart, but not here." Mr. Kenton says stepping off the helicopter. He takes his wife hand's and leads her and his children back to the cars.

I lay Ala on the seat and buckle her in. I sit next to her and buckle in. I lift her head so it is resting on my lap.

My mom and Ala's brother Lucian head to the front of the helicopter. My mom sits in the pilot seat and Lucian sits in the co-pilot seat. They strap in, my mom starts the engine, and fly us to Galveston, Texas where the Kenton's safe house is.

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