The King Is Engaged

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Present Day

October 10, 2053

Wichita Falls, Texas

Logan, Lindsey, Layla and I are headed to Galveston, Texas. We are headed to see their auntie Candace and uncles Lucian, and Chase. I guess you're wondering who Layla is. Layla is my youngest daughter. She was in my womb with the other two. She was conceived at the same time as Logan and Lindsey. Brileon mistakenly thought he felt two heartbeats along with mine, but it was three. Logan's heart beat and Lindsey's drowned out Layla's. What a mess? So, for the last ten years I have been raising triplets on my own. I thought I had found the right man yet again, but boy was I way off. Jason turned out to be a monster compared to Brileon. I will leave that alone before I have an episode while driving down the road.

Galveston, Texas (Hours Later)

We pull up to the safe house in Galveston, Texas. My siblings run out and greet us like they haven't seen us in years. They just visited us in Wichita Falls two months ago. The triplets barely get out the car before they gather one of them in a hug. Lucian has Layla. Chase has Logan and Candace has Lindsey. I chuckle at them along with my babies. Well almost teenagers now. Have mercy! Time is sure flying by. We all take turns hugging one another and head inside to catch up.

Candace turns on the news while Lucian brings us plates of food. My kids dig in like they haven't eaten a decent meal in days.

"Logan, Lindsey, and Layla slow down the food isn't going anywhere!" I scold the trio.

They continue to scarf the food down and I roll my eyes and say, "Hopeless."

Lucian, Chase, and Candace chuckle.

"Ala be easy on them they are growing kids. Who knows how long it's been since you fed the poor things?" Chase says.

I pick a pillow up off the sofa and chuck it at his head. He dodges it and chuckles.

"For your information smart butt they ate before we left and we stopped an hour ago to eat again." I reply.

"Smart butt. What in the world? My twin has lost her hard edge. Since when do you say butt instead of a.." I interrupt Lucian before he says the a word.

"Don't you dare! Since, these three think it is okay to cuss like sailors and are all in trouble for getting suspended for their foul language. Ms. Lindsey is suspended for fighting." I reply.

Lucian looks at his nieces and nephew and they lower their heads. "Is this true? Did you three cuss at school and Lindsey were you fighting?" Lucian asks them.

"Yes," They all mumble out.

"Thank goodness! At least you three will uphold the Kenton name." Lucian says and I walk over to him and pinch him.

"What?!" He asks.

"You are not suppose to be encouraging them you idiot!" I reply and my kids chuckle.


Breaking news! flashes across the screen

Alisa Lansky comes on the screen with King Brileon and Danica.

"King Brileon has finally announced his engagement to Danica Ross of Houston, Texas." Alisa Lansky says.

Danica is beaming and King Brileon is looking at her with adoring eyes. Lucian scowls and looks like he is going to throw up. He rushes to the bathroom and I wonder what is going on.

"So, have y'all set a date yet?" Alisa Lansky asks.

"Yes, we are getting married on January 21st of next year." Danica says showing off the very expensive ring she has on her finger.

Once upon a time, I had a ring from him, but I returned it along with the other trinket he gave me. A feeling of sadness arises, but I clamp it down not even letting it take root. I am so over that scoundrel. Thank God. I am glad he is getting married and I thank God I will never see him again.

"So, can we get a little affection from you guys for the viewers?" Alisa Lansky says.

King Brileon pulls Danica to him and kisses her passionately on the lips. They continue to kiss and when they break apart he is gazing at her with promises of finishing what he started later.

"Whew! Steamy!" Alisa Lansky says chuckling. I learned she is friends with Danica from Candace. Candace stumbled upon Jared and Alisa Lansky. They were making love and after they finished Alisa started talking about her friendship with Danica. My poor sister. I can only imagine what she felt when she saw them. Candace cries every time she sees them together.  I often wondered why she was so chummy with Danica and King Brileon. Jared is King Brileon's best friend and Danica is hers.

The news goes off and I find all eyes on me.

"What?" I ask shrugging my shoulders. I could care less. They deserve each other.

"Momma are you okay?" All three of my babies ask in unison.

"Yes, sweethearts. I am fine." I reply.

I finish eating and after the triplets pass out on the bed in my old room from exhaustion I lay on the chaise, I take an ibuprofen 800, and go to sleep.


I awake as with every night after the birth of the triplets to his voice in my head.

"Ala, where are you? Dammit woman answer me. How are my children? There are three of them isn't there? What are there names?" He asks.

I do not answer for if I answer he will know where I am.

"Ala I sent money for them, but your siblings returned it saying return to sender no one by this name even exists." He says sounding like he is sobbing.

I shut that thought down and push it off as utter foolishness. He is engaged and happy with Danica. Why would he be sobbing? That doesn't make sense.

Tears start to fall down my face as they always do, but I refuse to answer him.

"Dammit Ala! I know you are alive. I still feel you. Ala please, I just want to see my babies." King Brileon says.

"Did something happen to them Ala? To you? I felt..." Is all I allow myself to hear as I get up and enter the code to open the door to the balcony. I walk onto the balcony and shut the door so my kids can't hear my sobs. I put my fists in between my teeth and start sobbing. It starts out as silent sobs then the sobs take over my body. I feel three sets of small arms around me and I know it is my children.

"Momma, Dr. Denton said you have to release it. Momma, please stop holding in the pain." Logan says as he hugs me.

"Yes, momma we are okay. We are bigger now. We can handle it." Lindsey says.

"Momma, that...that...guy will never hurt us again okay." Layla says trying to reassure me, but the damage has already been done.

In The Arms of The Alexin KingWhere stories live. Discover now