Interrupted Rest

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I walk out the room and try to contain my anger. Ala was almost raped by two men. Tears start to fall down my face and Jared walks up behind me.

"Are you okay Bri?" Jared asks.

I don't answer.

My mom turns me towards her and sees the tears on my face. She hugs me and I return her hug.

"Son, it was not your fault." My mom says, but I still feel like it is.

I step away from my mom ending the hug and walk down the steps to sit on the sofa. I am so pissed yet I dare not show my anger or this whole house will be destroyed. I begin to pray asking God to control my anger and help me cope with learning Ala was almost raped two years ago. Have mercy! If not for her grandfather listening to God she would have been raped by two men. She should have been with me, but I was so concerned about her being too young.

I put my head in my hands then I feel a small hand on top of my head and know who it is. I look up and remove my hands from my head. Ala gets on her knees in front of me and wipes the tears from my face.

"Grandma why is daddy crying?" I hear Ramsey and Alton asks in unison.

"He is sad little ones. He cares for Ms. Ala." My mom says.

"We do too." Ramsey and Alton say in unison.

I smile and then tears start falling from my eyes again. My sons care for her. I love them so much. They are wonderful boys with loving hearts.

"Brileon please don't cry. It was not your fault. I didn't listen. I put myself in harm's way." Ala says and kisses my face.

I start crying even more and she stands. She puts her arms around me and I weep against her stomach. I feel my twins' heartbeats along with hers.

"Ssh! I am okay Brileon. We are okay. I promise I won't leave without you or someone with me okay." Ala says.

Never before has a woman wiped my tears or comforted me. That is besides my mom of course. Ala is one of a kind. I am beginning to fall in love with her and I have never been in love before. I look up at her and she smiles down at me with tears falling down her face.

"Okay." I reply and pull her onto my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. I hug her back and Jared smiles.

Ala removes her arms from around my neck and lays her head against my chest.

Ramsey and Alton comes and sit by us.

"Daddy are you okay?" both of my sons ask.

"Yes, my sons. I am fine." I reply.

They lay their heads on my shoulders and say, "Ms. Ala are you and our siblings okay?"

"Yes, we are fine. Thanks for asking." Ala says smiling.

They both get up and kiss her forehead. Then they both touch her stomach and say, "We love you both."

Ala sits up and pulls the boys close. She starts weeping and they do too.

"I love you too so much." She says and then she gasps. Alton and Ramsey eyes grow wide.

"Dad we felt them they moved against our hands." Ramsey says.

"Really?" I ask wondering if they were just imagining the twins move. It is way too early, but I felt their heartbeats so maybe they did feel the twins move.

"Yes, dad I felt them too." Alton says agreeing with his older brother.

They both move away and I look into Ala's eyes. She brings my hand to her stomach and I feel the twins move against my hand. I smile. My babies are moving in Ala's womb. I am so happy I kiss her. Ala kisses me back and smiles.

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