Meeting With The World Leaders

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King Brileon

August 10, 2040

We have landed in Washington D.C. in the United States. I have informed my citizen to stay on the spaceships until I give the okay for them to depart. Some will be staying with me and some will be going to different countries with the world leaders to become citizens of their respective countries. Jared and my royal guard are coming with me and Queen Trisha. I am wearing a white Armani Suit with a black Jos-A-Banks dress shirt. I have on white Stacy Adams Templin Shoes to match my suit. I cut my turquoise streaked jet black hair to collar length. It still falls over my eyes in the front though. Trisha is wearing a black and white maxi dress with a black suit jacket. She is wearing black and white heels to match the outfit and her auburn hair is in a French knot ponytail. I hit the button on my wrist link. The wrist link is kind of like a watch but it has a comlink. It has controls to all spaceships. I can open the hatch and seal all the doors on the ship. I have access to the prisoner wrist cuffs. I will be adding control access to the prison on the bottom level of my newly built palace in Dallas, Texas as well. Only the King and Prince have wrist links. When our son gets old enough I will give him one.

Trisha places her left hand on my right arm and we walk down the ramp and meet up with President Anton and his wife.

"King Brileon and Queen Trisha nice to finally meet you both in person." President Anton says and shakes both of our hands.

"It is nice to meet you as well." We both say in unison.

"King Brileon and Queen Trisha I would like you to meet my wife Barbara."

"Good to meet you Barbara. Are you not the First Lady?" Trisha asks.

"Yes, I am. Please don't call me that. I prefer Barbara, but around my people I am The First Lady." Barbara says.

"Okay. Call me Trisha. I prefer that to Queen Trisha as well." Trisha says making a face and both ladies start laughing.

We walk to the President's limo and get in with Jared and Lana followed by President Anton and First Lady Barbara and two of their secret service members. The rest of my guard and the secret service get into the other limos. One will go ahead of us and the rest will follow us to the white house.

A little while later

We arrive at the white house. Trisha and First Lady Barbara go off with Dr. Mariah Ricardo. Lana follows Trisha and Jared follows President Anton and me. We enter a conference room with the leaders of the different countries sitting behind at the table. There is pastries, coffee, water, and fruit that Americans eat. They all stand and introduce themselves.

"Thank you so much for your financial donations to each of our countries." Prime Minister Jon Trussell says.

"You are all welcome. It is an honor, and the least I can do since you all are welcoming my citizens into your countries." I reply.

"Yes, thank you. I am sorry, I forgot to say thank you while we were connected to your ship's intergalactic conference cams two months ago." President Anton says.

"You are welcome. It is okay. I am pretty sure your mind was occupied with other important matters at the time."

"Yes, indeed!" President Anton says smiling.

"King Brileon as you know we all have agreed to peace, but we have concerns. Do you carry diseases? Are your animals dangerous? What do we do with your prisoners? We are not even sure our prisons will be able to hold them." Prime Minister Jon Trussell asks.

"No, we do not carry diseases anymore. In the past, there was a plague though." I reply.

"My God! How far in the past?" Prime Minister Aliza Harper says.

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