Ala Is Ordered To Rest

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King Brileon

I rush into the house with Logan in my arms. My heart constricts every time his body convulses in pain.

He shrieks and I shout. "Ala hurry!"

Ala rushes into the kitchen. She opens a small refrigerator marked Logan's pain injections and pulls out a needle from a box.

She runs to my side and asks, "Can you hold him still?"

"Yes," I reply and try to hold him still, but his body keeps convulsing in pain.

"Lay him on the sofa!" Ala orders.

I do as she says and she yells. "Layla! Lindsey!"

"Right here mom!" My daughters reply as they run up to the sofa. Layla holds Logan's upper body still and Lindsey holds his legs near his feet still.

"Dad this is how you do it." They both say in unison calling me their father. I smile at them and say,

"Thanks for showing me."

"You're welcome dad!" They say in unison

"Brileon I need to put this in his hip can you pull his pants down a little?" Ala asks.

"Yes, that I can do." I reply as I do as she instructs exposing a section of his caramel skinned hip.

Ala uncaps the needle and says, "Ready son?"

Logan shakes his head slightly and Ala injects the needle with the medicine slowly in his hip. He starts to wince, but I touch his side and he starts to relax.

Once she is finished she removes the needle and discards it into a red container labeled sharps that contain several other needles. She grabs a bandaid and hands it to me. I put it on him where she injected the needle.

I pull my son's pants up and the painful spasms are almost completely gone. He sits up and reaches for me. I pick him up and take him in my arms. I sit on the sofa with him. He begins to fall asleep. Lindsey and Layla sit next to us. Their eyes start to droop and soon there heads are on both of my shoulders.

Ramsey and Alton walk in and pull up chairs next to us. Tears are streaming down their faces at seeing their youngest brother in so much pain. Ala walks over to me and moves to take Logan from my arms. He whimpers and says, "Momma, please let me stay in daddy's arms."

She smiles and says, "Okay, son." 

She backs up and  looks at me then says, "Thank you Brileon for protecting him and helping my best friend."

"You're welcome Ala!" I reply smiling at her.

Ala is looking at me with the triplets and tears begin to fall down her cheeks. She bends down and kisses Logan's forehead and says, "My brave little one! Always charging into battle to protect everyone else knowing that you will feel it later, but not caring." She whimpers and rushes to kiss Layla and Lindsey.

Her tough shell is breaking after seeing our son in so much pain. I understand, how she is feeling, because I feel the same way. I immediately start to feel guilty as I realize that she has been doing this on her own for years. Even though  she has Lindsey and Layla's help I can still see how caring for our triplets has taken a toll on her. I can feel her exhaustion as well as see it. Her friend Jenny was right she does look horrible. Don't get me wrong she is beautiful. I mean horrible in terms of exhaustion. She looks like she needs a month or two of rest. If not more. Her dark brown eyes look tired and I see the beginning of dark circles on the pecan skin around her eyes.

Jenny mentioned her working two jobs to take care of our kids. Today that ends. She should never have had to work two jobs, but she refused my help. For years, she disappeared, and no one could find her. I knew she kept in touch with her siblings that is why I sent the money for our kids to them, but they would return it saying she didn't exist. Now, I understand why. She had to change her name to stay hidden so that bastard Jason would not find them and harm her or our kids again.

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