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December 22, 2055


"Sis, sis....wake up!" I hear and I start groaning. My head is killing me. It feels like I have a hang over though I haven't been drinking. I open my eyes and see Candace. I moan and close my eyes back. This can't be good. If she is here something is wrong.

"What happened? Are you all okay?" I ask with my eyes closed.

"I just left my husband. So, no all is not okay. Just as I have learned all is not okay with you. Why are your eyes closed?" Candace asks.

"I have a migraine Candy. Please turn the light off and stop yelling." I reply as I feel her looking at me even with my eyes closed.

I hear the light switch being turned off and I open my eyes. I sit up and grab my temples.

"Ugh! Candy please get me something for this headache." I ask and she hands me a pill bottle.

I look at the pill bottle and see it is my prescription for Imitrex. I take a pill out and Candace says, "You have to eat with that."

"I know I was going to get something as soon as I take it." I reply.

"No ma'am. You have a migraine like I have." She says as she stands and walks over to a small counter with a microwave in here. She pulls a container out of a plastic bag and warms the food. Once it is done she walks it over to me and Kaylee hands me a drink.

"How long have I been out?" I ask and I notice Kaylee's tear stained face.

"About 4 hours. We thought you were dead, but Brileon insisted that you were still alive. He has been a hysterical mess. We kept him away from you, but he isn't happy. He nearly tore up my house with his temper tantrum. I put him out and he is quite mad at me. His buds are trying to calm him down. They said something about going to get drinks. Rear Admiral Ryson went along to be the designated driver." Kaylee says as I pop the pill into my mouth. I open the drink and drink just enough to take the pill. Kaylee takes it and puts it on a dinner platter on the dresser next to me. I open the food container and Candace hands me a plastic fork. I eat some of the Shrimp Fried Rice and Fish on the plate. I also eat the roll then I close the tray and put it next to the drink on the dinner platter.

"I am so sorry Ala. Of all the relationships I have seen I thought your relationship with my cousin was just like my grandparents. If not theirs then the Musso's." Kaylee says as she takes my hand like she always does when I am upset.

"Sweetheart, no relationship is perfect. We all argue and believe me there are many days we have to look past each other's faults. Plus, your grandfather and my relationship hasn't always been like it is now." Grandma Denton says.

I look around the room to find her. She is on a chaise in this room. Mrs. Denton smiles at me in the sunlit room and Logan says, "Mom I am sorry. We suspected something was up with dad. Especially, when he stopped being as clingy and affectionate to you as he was before Bree was born."

"Wow! Jared did the same thing with me. I honestly tried to deny he was cheating on me, but I found a video on his freaking phone of him and Alisa Lansky. I divorced him and left with both kids. I don't have time for his foolishness. I will remain alone until I find a man that truly loves me."

"I don't think it is a matter of them not loving either of you. Maybe it is what the women do for them." Ashton says.

"Huh! Why are you still here? Why aren't you with the other men." Candace asks.

"We actually didn't go far. We were all next door." Brileon says and I tense up. He looks at me and I look away. I am suddenly ready to go. I move to get out the bed, but my migraine causes me to clutch onto my head. I groan and Candace touches my shoulder.

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