Some One Is Watching Me

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"I'm superhuman baby!" He says and I roll my eyes.


"Get out of the way Brileon! Why are you still here? Actually, how did you even get here in the first place?" I ask.

"Your father gave me the address and the key." he replies.

"Yeah right he would never give you access to this house." I reply then realize he must have, because my dad and mom are the only ones with a key to this safe house.

"Okay, so he gave you the key and you brought me here. You stayed to make sure the twins are okay. I thank you, now you can go back to Danica." I say.

"I stayed to make sure you were okay too Ala. I care for you. I ..." King Brileon starts to say, but I interrupt him.

"Stop lying Brileon! You do not care for me and you definitely don't love me. We had sex and I got pregnant immediately." I say and get dizzy all of a sudden. I start swaying and King Brileon reaches me in a flash. He scoops me up and carries me back to the bed.

"Ala, you need to eat." He says.

I picture eating a plate of shrimp fettuccine and my stomach starts to rumble.

"Yes, I agree." I tell him.

I start to rise and he says, "Ala, lay your stubborn butt down. I will get you something to eat."

I feel dizzier and have no choice but to do what he says. He notices and rushes out the room.

Less than two minutes later he comes back with a plate of shrimp fettuccine. I smile and look at him. Tears fall down my face and he wipes them away.

"How did you get the food that fast?" I ask.

"Your mom made it this morning. She said it is one of your favorite dishes." He says.

"My mom is here?" I ask.

"Yes, along with the rest of your family, my royal guard, my mom, my boys, and Dr. Harper." He replies.

I look at him with what I am sure is surprise on my face and he smiles.

"I told you I care for you and our babies growing inside you Ala. Please, eat sweetheart. I don't know what I would do if I lost you and our twins." He says.

Goodness I want him next to me. I know it may be foolish, but I just want him close.

He sits on the bed next to me and hands me the plate of fettuccine. I sit up and eat. He watches me and chuckles at how fast I eat the food.

"What? I'm starving okay." I tell him.

I become full and hand the plate to him. He fixed me way too much. He takes the fork and eats the rest of the shrimp fettuccine. I lie back against the pillows on my bed and stare at him. He smiles and puts the plate on the dresser beside my bed. His eyes are still the same color, but as he looks at me they become darker. Even the blue irises in his eyes becomes darker. His eyes fasten on my lips and I know he wants to kiss me.

"Ala please let me kiss you." King Brileon says. His head descends and his lips almost touch mine, but I remember Danica and turn my head. I rise from the bed to get a scarf to tie over my hair that is drying faster than I remember it doing before.

I walk to the drawer where I keep all my hair accessories. I pull out a hair band. I wrap it around my hair, putting it into a ponytail. I wrap the ponytail around insert some bobby pins in it and put a scarf around the whole thing. I tie it and I hear King Brileon grumble.

In The Arms of The Alexin KingWhere stories live. Discover now