Hunting The Rogues (Part 1)

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King Brileon

January 2043

Alexandria, Louisiana

"Your majesty the location where the rogues are heading is just around the corner. The address is 24356 Maple Road." Kirsten says.

"Thanks, Kirsten. Hopefully, we arrive to save the family they are targeting." I reply as I follow the navigation to the address.

I pull up to the address and we all get out. The front door to the house is broken down.

"Shit! We might be too late." I reply and we all run into the house then gasp.

All five of the rogues are dead on the floor. The Father and Mother are still standing with swords in their hands. They wipe off the swords and throw the towels in the trash.

"Wow!" Jared and Lana exclaim in unison.

"Yes, I agree that is impressive. No humans have ever killed Lirians and Alexins before. Every other house we have gotten to after a rogue attack the families were slaughtered. We were afraid the same happened to you as well."

"No those rogues thought they had the upper hand, but they did not know that our ancestors were pirates."

"Whoa! Any connection to famous historical pirates?" Jared and Lana ask in unison.

The lady laughs. "No, but our great-great-great grandfathers were members of Captain Kidd's crew." she replies.

"And you are?" I ask.

"I am Andrew Kenton and this is my wife Elizabeth Kenton." Andrew Kenton replies.

"Nice to meet you both. You two have an impressive lineage. I am glad you both are still alive."

"We are as well. I was unsure if we were still capable of fighting them off. It has been a very long time." Mr. Kenton replies.

I understand why, because he looks to be in his early 50's and his wife in her late 40's.

Elizabeth Kenton shrieks startling all of us.

"Gracious Lizzy what is it!" Mr. Kenton exclaims after jumping from her startling shriek.

"The kids! Al...Al...I mean Alan went after them. Do you think?" is all she gets out as Andrew Kenton rushes out the door.

"You have kids as well. Where are they?" I ask a shaking Mrs. Kenton.

"Yes, they headed to the lodge through the woods." She says still shaking.

"Can you show us?" I ask.

"Yes, of course. Follow me." Mrs. Kenton says as she rushes out the house the same way Mr. Kenton took.

We follow her running as she is. For a lady in her mid forties she is in excellent shape. We make it to the lodge a little while after Andrew Kenton. He is already up the stairs about to enter the lodge. The door to the lodge is wide open. I dare not ask Mr. Kenton if we can go in first. The expression on his face shows he will harm anyone who has harmed his kids. We follow him and Mrs. Kenton into the lodge and gasp.

"Lord Jesus! Andrew what happened to cause Al...Al...Alan to do such a thing?" Mrs. Kenton says eyes wide from shock as she takes in the scene.

All three rogues are on the floor dead.

"Damn! Who did this?!" Jared asks.

We hear a car in the garage starting. Jared runs to the garage followed by Mr. Kenton. I run back out the front door trying to cut the driver off.

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