Caught In Disguise

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Not fully edited!


I am so pissed with Brileon. How dare he choose that Ala bitch over me? She is uncouth and fights like a man. Ala is beneath him, she is not rich like me, and is definitely not as gorgeous as I am. She is not sophisticated and can't please him like I do. None of the women he has slept with has anything on me. My pussy makes all the men I am seeing crave for more. That is all except the one who is Lucy's father, and the man I truly love. Well, anyway enough of that, what to do? What to do? I ask myself.

I get nothing. My brain is not coming up with any solutions right now. I growl in frustration and yank on Tela's hair.  Tela growls and tries to buck me off her back. I release her fur and she stops.

"Dammit Danica! That shit hurts! Take your rage out on someone or something else. I have done you nothing." Tela snaps.

"Sorry Tela! I am just furious that Brileon chose that whore over me." I tell the mixed breed reptilipanta I am on. The one Nathan is riding on is called a reptilipanliger. Yeah! Their names sound hideous just like they look, but they are extremely loyal.

"Huh! Maybe you should check yourself before calling people out their name. I know whores and that girl is not one. You on the other hand..." Tela says pissing me off.

"Hold your tongue you hideous beast! She is a whore if I say so. Put me down I need to think, and I know just where to go to do it." I reply.

Tela mumbles something I  hear, but does as I say. She is the only one of the beasts who has always spoken her mind. I usually allow it, because I consider her my friend. This time she is out of line. How dare she stand up for Ala? What does that girl have that I don't? crosses my mind.

"Brileon and she knows God! She has a relationship with God too!" Tela says after hearing my thoughts.

"Shut your damn mouth Tela! You have gone too damn far! I command you to get your hideous ass out of here before I make you regret your words." I snap.

Tela walks away mumbling something again then I hear, "So, where are we going?" Nathan says.

He I noticed has sent his mixed breed animal to follow behind Tela.

"We are not going anywhere! You are going back to the stealth plane and waiting for me. I have to make a call an idea just struck." I reply.

Nathan looks back at the palace since we are not too far from it and shakes his head. "Danica, whatever you are planning on doing will not work. You will not get ten feet inside that gate without someone locking your ass in prison." Nathan says.

"How do you know I was going back to the palace?" I ask Nathan.

Nathan smacks his lips and rolls his eyes. "I have known you for over two hundred years Danica. If I don't know you by now something is seriously wrong." Nathan replies.

"True! So, why don't you just do as I ask like a good boy? I promise to give you some of me later." I tell him as I walk up to him and grope his manhood.

Nathan tries to pull me into his arms, but I step away before he can.

"No! No! No! you will get that later, now do as I say while I make this call." I tell Nathan.

Nathan pouts, then he turns on his heels, and walks away.


I walk into Brileon's room disguised as Josanna one of the women he slept with in my absence. Ah! The beauty of being able to change my appearance to look like other women. Well most women that is. I tried to change to look like Ala, but I could not.

I walk over to him and say, "Oh My God! Brileon! Margaret told me you were very ill. How are you sweetheart?" I say sounding concerned though I am not.

I know he is feeling better since I overheard the doctor say his temperature is back to normal. I also don't give him a chance to answer my question as I capture his lips in a passionate kiss. He hesitates for only a few seconds then his tongue and mine are kissing. I nibble on his lower lip and he deepens the kiss. I hear someone get up and start to walk out the room. I pull away slightly to see who it is. It is Ala. I smile since my plan is working then I start kissing Brileon's neck.

Brileon tries to pull me off him, but I refuse to stop kissing him. He pushes me hard and I nearly fall backward, but I catch myself.

"Enough! Danica why are you disguised as Josanna?" He asks and I gasp along with whoever else is still in the room.

Damn! He is smarter than I thought. I don't answer and he snaps.

"Answer me! I know it is you." He shouts.

"And how is that?" I ask.

"You think me that stupid Danica! I know your touch just as I know your lips. Besides Josanna never would have walked in here unannounced. Josanna could not stand Margaret, and also could not stand Alisa. All three of them would have been fighting right now." Brileon replies.

"Oops!" I say and change back to my real self.

"Oh hell no! You want that woman over our mother!" Lindsey snaps, huffs, and storms out the room.

"Good now stay away and tell your mother to do the same thing!" I call out to Lindsey.

She stops abruptly, turns around, and looks like she wants to throttle me. Brileon frowns at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Figures!" Lindsey says. She turns back around and stalks out the room followed by Logan, and Layla.

"Now sweetheart we can get back to what we were just doing." I tell him about to captures his lips again, but he pushes me off him again.

"Enough I said! Danica get your ass out of my palace and take your friends or I swear I will lock you in my prison." Brileon snaps.

"But, can't seriously be mad at me. I was just furious that Ala killed my brother." I tell him.

"Get the hell out my face!" Brileon snaps and the whole palace starts shaking. His brown eyes and turquoise irises turn darker than I have ever seen them do before. What the hell? He has gotten angry before, but not like this.

"I'll be glad to escort her, Alisa, and Margaret out of the palace." Jared says and Alisa gasps.

"Yep! I said it. I told you it was over Alisa." Jared says.

"I'll help you! Margaret can't be trusted. Come all three of you!" Kirsten says voice booming just like Brileon just did.

I don't move. "I am not going anywhere! Brileon is my fiancé! I refuse to move!" I snap.

"Oh well you leave me no choice then. Jared and Kirsten lock them all in prison." Brileon orders and I gasp.

I can feel the blood drain from my face as Jared and Kirsten move to do what Brileon ordered. Margaret, Aliza, and I run out of his room. We open the glass terrace slide door, rush down the stairs, and off his palace grounds as fast as we can.

Note: In the chapter I am showing just how vain and self absorbed Danica is. She is mixed just like Tela who is supposed to be here friend, but she is very cruel. When Tela calls her out about calling Ala a whore she snaps. Though what Tela says is true. So what do you think of this chapter? Please comment below.

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