I Accept His Proposal

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Brileon sets me down and my legs no longer feel weak. I quickly walk to the toilet unzip my pants, pull them down with my panties, and relieve myself. I wait for him to leave so I can do the other thing, but he remains.

"Um can you get out? I would really like some privacy." I tell Brileon.

"No, I will remain where I am." Brileon replies.

"Get out Brileon! I have to release waste and I don't want you in here." I snap.

"Okay, I will step out, but I will return once you are done." Brileon says as he walks out the bathroom and closes the door.

I roll my eyes and complete my business. I cleanse myself, flush the toilet, than I wash my hands. I take off the soiled clothes, slide the shower door open, an step into the shower. I turn on the water and the faucet for the sprayers. I walk under the sprayers and pick up some vanilla shower gel and a bath sponge. I start to wash myself and then everything that I have endured comes flooding back. I drop the sponge and collapse against the shower wall. Tears are streaming down my face. I scream and feel masculine arms pull me backward. I spin around and slap Brileon hard across the face.

"Let me go! Get out of here! I hate you!" I scream and he just pulls me closer. He wraps his arms around me and I push away from him.

"Get off me! Go to the women you sleep with and leave me be!" I sob against his bare chest. He doesn't let me go. He just wraps his arms around me and I cry against his chest.

"Please baby! Just release it! Stop holding the pain in. It isn't healthy Ala. I am so sorry I keep hurting you. I don't deserve any more chances. If you never forgive me that is fine, but I will never let you go again." Brileon says and the tears and pent up emotions come pouring out. I relax in his arms and sob uncontrollably. I feel tears fall down onto my head and hear his sobs mingled with mine.

"Ssh! Sweetheart I know it hurts. Please calm yourself. I am so sorry. I mean it Ala." Brileon says as tears continue to fall down his face.

He steps away from me for only a second to get a wash cloth from the other side of the shower. He walks back over to me and wipes my face. He rinses it with water and does the same thing to his face.

Brileon picks up the bath sponge off the floor, rinses it, and adds more vanilla shower gel to it. He walks over to my body and begins to wash my nipples and breasts. He is careful to avoid my bruises and he continues to wash my whole body. His hands trace my body and I become soaking wet.

"Bri please!" I moan and he captures my lips with his own. I return his kiss. My body is on fire with want for him.

He breaks the kiss and I whimper.

"Ssh sweetheart! I can no longer wait." Brileon says as he lifts me up into his arms.

He slides the shower door open and walks out with me in his arms. He sets me on the floor, dries me off, which I am starting to think is something he enjoys doing.

"Yes, I do. Can't you tell from my massive manhood?" He says and my eyes go there.

"Damn Bri-le-awn! Where do you plan on putting that? That is way beyond hard." I reply and he chuckles as he dries himself off with the same towel.

"In you, you know you like it when I get this hard Ala." He replies as he hangs the towel on the rack already finished drying himself off.

He hands me a turquoise blue lace mermaid dress and some turquoise blue lace panties. I take them and look at him wondering where this stuff came from.

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