I Punch The King

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Ala's Point of View

I walk to the entrance of the gate wanting desperately to get out of King Brileon's palace grounds. One would think I would be admiring the grounds, taking in the architecture, and the scenery.

Hell no! I am trying to get the hell off his property. I am getting out of here as fast as my legs and the guard in front of me will let me leave. I know it is pathetic that I am running away, but if I don't I will burst into tears and embarrass myself in front of everyone.

A man with a name tag that reads "Lennox," is at the gate and I stand in place stunned for a second.

"Yes, miss." The guy Lennox says and I pray it is not the same Lennox I had a crush on in high school.

The guy looks at my face and stares. Oh crap! It is. I can tell. He looks even more handsome now that he is an adult. My goodness! Why couldn't I have fallen for him instead?

"Ala?!" Lennox says breaking me out of my reverie.

"Yes, it is me." I smile. I try not to groan. My goodness! Lord please make this day not get any worse.

"My God! Ala it is you." Lennox says and pulls me into a hug. I am caught off guard at first expecting him to shriek and pass out. So, naturally I just stand stiff and unmovable in his arms. His hugging me actually feels good so I find myself hugging him back. I want desperately to put my head against his shoulders and cry. A small sob escapes and Lennox looks at me. I step away from him or I will be crying on his shoulder in the next couple of seconds.

"Ala, are you okay?" Lennox asks gently touching my face.

I drop my head and he raises my chin. He sees the tears in my eyes and then he stands at attention.

Oh God! Please tell me that is not King Brileon behind me. Lennox reads my eyes and nods.


Lennox quickly whispers in my ear, "Remember you are The Kenton Terror. You got this." He says and smiles.

I immediately want to laugh and cry at the same time. His words give me courage. I smile and whisper thank you.

Lennox whispers, "You are welcome."

"Ala, I would like you to meet my boys Ramsey and Alton." King Brileon says behind my back.

It takes me only a second to compose myself. I am determined to not let the royal asshole see me cry. I turn around quickly. I look at him showing no emotion at all. I look away as if he means nothing to me. King Brileon gasps and I ignore him. I look down at the boys. They are so handsome. The youngest looks just like King Brileon while the other has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a line of turquoise blue highlights in his hair on the right side. I remember Danica's hair being blond and think he is hers and King Brileon's son. On closer inspection of King Brileon's son with the blond hair I notice that he looks like a younger male version of King Brileon's dead wife Trisha.

"Hi, I am Ala." I say bending down to their level. I reach my hand out so they can shake it. They let go of King Brileon's hand and hug me instead. I smile and hug them back.

"Ms. Ala you are very pretty." They say.

"Thank you gentlemen. You two are both very handsome little men." I reply and they smile.

Danica walks up and wraps her arms around King Brileon's arm. She fondles him and I shield the kids from what she is doing. My eyes if anyone could see them are probably shooting daggers at her. She moves her hands from his erection which I notice is hard like it was for me and she kisses him passionately on the lips.

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