I Am A Scoundrel

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King Brileon

I follow Ala inside and up the stairs. I already know everyone is pissed their facial expressions show just how pissed off they are with me.

I turn her door knob and it opens. I stand at the entrance for a few seconds completely stunned that she didn't lock the door behind her this time. I know everything she has just endured is truly bothering her. Tears fall down my face as scenes of everything that she just went through plays through my mind. I did a horrible job of keeping her safe. She protected herself when it should have been me protecting her.

The reality of Ala's assault and almost rape by Jason hits me like a two ton weight. Just as my making out with Danica and causing her pain makes me feel like shit! I don't think she will ever forgive me after this. I almost slept with Danica outside in front of her and everyone. Good thing Jared spoke or I would have done something completely foolish. Though kissing Danica after she nearly killed Ramsey, and tried to kidnap both my sons was foolish too.

I felt like a jackass before. Now I feel like the scoundrel she and my great aunt believe me to be. I didn't know Ala was affected when I touched Danica or she touched me. Somehow she must be able to block those feelings from me too. Only when she almost collapsed on Jenny's lawn did I feel the sharp shooting pain run through my whole body nearly making me fall as well. Danica looked at me when my knees buckled, but did nothing. It was Jared who caught me. Ala didn't know she was already in Jason's arms.

To see Jason catch her and hold her close made me extremely jealous. I saw then why she fell for him. He is like two different people. He was caring when he held her and gentle when he kissed her after she nearly fell to the ground. He was kind when he handed her the towel to wipe her lips after throwing up.

When she slapped him for kissing her neck he snapped. He changed to his evil self. He was brutal and murderous wanting what he claimed was his, but is mine. I know that sounds crazy, but that is how it appeared to me.

I stood there stunned watching him touching her, nuzzling her neck, playing with her hair, and them talking to each other. I was so damn jealous I wanted to tear him apart, but after making out with Danica how could I? I would be a hypocrite.

When Jason slapped Ala and tried to rape her I tried to get to her. Lord knows I tried! Everyone tried, but Danica and Jason's people held us back with some type of force I have never felt before.

At that moment, I realized that I never stopped loving Ala. All the sleeping around, getting engaged to Danica, even kissing her after what she did to my sons was so damn stupid. All because I am afraid. I have never been in love before. Never, not even with Danica. I don't love her. It is just sex, good erotic sex, but what does any of that mean if after we climax I feel incomplete.


Danica is gorgeous and is almost as wealthy as I am. What does any of that mean if she cares nothing for me and is evil? Every time I sleep with Danica God convicts me and chastens me for denying the woman who is my other half.

I have been so damn miserable! I searched for Ala even after her sister told me they didn't know where she went while pregnant. Candace was right I couldn't find her. Ala I realized blocked me out. She not only wouldn't respond to me when I talked to her through our mind link. I couldn't feel her emotions, but I could feel her. I felt when the triplets were born. I remember sending Tasha to find her, but even she couldn't find Ala. Tasha returned pissed at me. She fussed and cussed me out for leaving my true mate to be with Danica. Tasha like everyone else hates Danica. She even told me that Danica was an evil witch and that I needed to leave her alone. I wouldn't listen. Danica's pussy is so damn good, and even now I have to admit I am hooked on it. That is why I compared Ala to Danica which was so damn stupid.

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