Family Issues

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My wife Ala bursts into tears as I walk up to her. She swipes them away while shaking as she looks at my uncle Lee Simone. He is an Admiral in the United States Navy and an asshole. Don't get me wrong it has nothing to do with the Navy. He I learned from my mom has always been like this. He is half human, half Alexin, and something else. Whatever, the something else is only my grandma knows. My mom and I have even asked my grandpa, but he refuses to tell us. I do know that he was an intergalactic soldier and now he is a Navy Seal. The Navy Seals I learned have been recruiting soldiers for several years now. My uncle is the same age as Ashton's father King Nyron. Now, even that is puzzling. They look like they are about 50 years old, but I have overheard them say they are over 100 years old.

Now, back to my cousin Kaylee. She is his youngest daughter. I thought he had changed in regards to her, but I see he has not. He still treats her like crap.

I wrap my arms around my wife and she weeps against my shoulder.  Sadly, my young cousin does the same thing every time she comes here. She either weeps silently in her bedroom here or on one of our shoulders. I have no idea why her father treats her so horribly. I do know that when she is here we do our best to uplift her in Christ.

I have to agree with Ala now. I originally said it was okay for Kaylee to stay here with us, but in truth she should be with her family having fun. If not them then her friends. Lord knows we can't give her all the fun times she deserves due to our 1 year old daughter. Yet, it still is ultimately their responsibility to take care of Kaylee.

I reflect on the years since I have known Kaylee and realize that the poor child was better off with her birth mother. If I can find her I will make sure she knows what's going on with Kaylee. I will definitely ensure that my cousin is returned to her mom, because my uncle doesn't give a damn about my 16 year old cousin.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear,

"Lee just let her go have fun with her friends. Leave the soldiers alone and lets go. If we don't leave now we will miss our flight." Melanie says.

"You two can go, but I am not. I need to go find my little sister. She doesn't deserve to be left behind anymore. Either she comes or I refuse to go." Kathie says.

Melanie looks at Kathie and says, "Okay, I am coming too. We will cancel this trip. It is the Christmas Holidays anyway. It should be spent with our entire family."

Lee Simone looks at Melanie and Kathie. His light skinned face turns red and he says, "Get in the car right now! We are going on vacation whether you want to or not."

"Kiss my butt Lee! Kathie and I are going to find Kaylee." Melanie snaps. She walks to her car and Kathie follows her.

My uncle looks completely baffled as his wife and eldest daughter drive away. After a few moments, he cusses, and rushes to his truck. The soldiers that came with him get into their vehicle and all of them drive off.

Ashton walks over to me and says, "Seems like we arrived in the midst of some major drama."

"Man, I have to say, that was not at all how I expected that to play out. My cousin has always been cast to the side by my uncle, aunt, and her sister. I should have said something about their ill treatment of her before, but I didn't. I was trying to respect his role as her parent, but I feel awful. Ala just snapped at them for always leaving my young cousin behind. I pray they are really going to include her this time."

Ashton frowns along with his brothers. Even Nipty frowns. They all shake their heads, and Nipty says, "Lee should have left that child with her mom."

"I agree man. I want to find her mom if I can. If not then I will help her get away from him." I say and Ala looks at me. She swipes tears from her face as both my grandparents walk up to us.

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