Hunting The Rogues (Part 2)

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King Brileon

I drive to the Alexandria airport and park Mr. Kenton's Black Dodge Durango. My upgraded Cessna Citation X T will get us to Galveston, Texas much faster. Jared parks behind me in the White Dodge Durango. I hit the button on my wrist link and the door to the plane opens. The ladder to enter descends and we all get out the SUV's.

Ala looks at me with an amazed expression on her face and I smile.

"I hope you don't mind leaving the Durango's here. I will purchase you new ones." I reply.

"King Brileon if you have to go leave. Why are you trying to spend unnecessary money? I can drive myself to Galveston and Chase can drive the other vehicle with my parents." Ala says.

"Ala, I feel like I have been whipped. I couldn't make it to the next block in a car." Chase says.

"Okay, we leave one SUV here. I will drive myself in the other." Ala replies.

"Ala stop being difficult. Get on the plane." Mrs. Kenton says.

I smile.

"King Brileon she is right though. You do not have to spend unnecessary money on purchasing us new vehicles. We can return for them later. Or get them transported to Galveston." Mrs. Kenton says.

"The risk of someone trailing you is too great. The reason why I want to leave the vehicles is so no one can trace your steps and figure out where you are going." I reply.

"Wouldn't they be able to do the same thing if we take off in a plane?" Ala says and Jared starts chuckling. My goodness! Ala isn't going to stop fighting me on this is she? She is adamant about not getting on my private jet.

"Yes, Ala they can, but if they see you with me they will leave you alone." I reply.

Ala rolls her eyes and starts mumbling under her breath. She grabs some of the items in the back of the truck and heads to my private jet. She ascends the steps of the plane. Lana and Chase grab the rest of the stuff they packed while I follow Ala onto my private jet.

Ala walks all the way to the last seat on the plane and sits down. She buckles in and looks out the window. Jared walks up to me still laughing.

"Brileon she is pissed at you. When was the last time you spoke to her?" Jared says.

"Three years ago." I reply.

"No wonder the girl is pissed. Man, why haven't you picked her up? You could have married her and there would have been no need to sleep with Rena and Charlene." Jared says.

"Because, she was still just 16." I reply.

"Yeah, that did not stop you from taking her virginity did it?" Jared asks.

"How did you know that I...?" I start to say.

"Brileon I heard you talking in your quarters after you read that letter from Trisha. I thought you were losing your mind. So, I came in to check on you. I was shocked to find you nowhere in sight. How is it that you showed up to her parent's house?" Jared asks.

"I don't know. No one in Alexin history has ever been able to teleport, but I did that night. I couldn't see her full face though. Nor, did I know where I was. I just showed up in her bedroom every time and came back to my bedroom in the palace. I have been able to do it ever since. Well, that is until I stopped." I reply.

Jared looks at me and asks, "What are you? People use machines to teleport, but, you don't need one. Actually, I haven't known anyone to teleport, besides people in the movies."

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