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Note: It is October 13, 2053


Wichita Falls, Texas

11 a.m.

7 hours later

We pull up to my house in Wichita Falls. I am so exhausted it is ridiculous. My kids jump out and I pop the trunk on my car. Lindsey rushes to the front door, takes her key out, and opens it. Layla follows her inside and Logan moves to get the suitcases. I step out the car and walk to the trunk.

"No son, go inside I will bring them in." I tell him as four sets of cars pull up. One I know is Lucian, Chase, and Candace. The other is Dr. Denton and Mrs. Denton. The other two I am sure hold my parents and everyone else that was at the safe house.

I sigh. I was going to try and get a few hours of sleep before having to go into work, but that will not happen.

Jenny my next door neighbor and best friend comes running out of her house with her daughter Tiffany and son Justin who are the same age as the triplets.

"Alissa you're back finally!" Jenny says in one breath.

"Who are all these people? Logan put down that suitcase. Tiffany and Justin get your aunt and cousins' luggage. Alissa you look absolutely terrible." Jenny says as everyone walk up and I start laughing.

Jenny has a habit of speaking so fast no one, but me, her kids, and my kids can understand her. She is very noisy and loves us all to death. Oh, and she has adopted me as her sister and my children as her nieces and nephew. Every time my siblings come to visit she is out of town so she has never met them.

"Slow down Jenny please!" I tell her and she pulls me into a hug.

"I am sorry Alissa. You know I worry about you guys. Are you going into work tonight? Please tell me the answer is no! You look absolutely terrible. Besides you need to quit one of your jobs. Two jobs has you looking like you are wasting away." Jenny says telling me I look terrible again and I sigh. She doesn't listen. One dialogue turns into another and another. When she winds down I will be able to answer all her questions.

Oh, and as you can see Jenny is very blunt and doesn't hold her tongue. She calls it as she sees it. If you look horrible she will tell you.

"So, are you going to tell me who all these people are?" Jenny asks and I shake my head.

Candace is laughing at Jenny while everyone else is looking at her like she has lost her mind.

"Yes, if you would stop talking and let me speak." I tell her and she starts laughing.

"Sorry, girl! You know me. I get to talking and no one can get a word in." She says grabbing me by the arm and pulling me towards the front door.

"Justin and Tiffany hurry up your moving too slow!" Jenny shouts as Lindsey and Layla come running out the house.

"Aunt Jenny!" They say running up to us.

Jenny lets me go and they nearly knock her to the ground. She is laughing and hugging them. She kisses their foreheads and says,

"How are my two beautiful nieces? I missed you."

"We missed you too." Lindsey and Layla say and start pouting.

I put my hands on my hips, because I know what is coming.

"Aunt Jenny, Momma punished us, because we got in trouble at school for cursing the teacher out." Layla says with those eyes like my mom looking pitiful.

"And what else?" Jenny asks already knowing about their punishment.

"I punched a girl for teasing Logan and Layla and she went flying across the room. The teacher told me she should call the police, but since she knows Momma she wasn't going to." Lindsey says.

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