We Leave Wichita Falls

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Not fully edited!


I moan against his lips and return his kiss.


Brileon moves onto the bed and takes me in his arms. He deepens the kiss and I wrap my arms around his neck. He moves from my lips to start kissing my neck and my hands run through his black and turquoise hair. He moans against my neck and moves lower kissing my shoulder, and lower still to the top of my bruised breast. He takes out the mound and gently kisses the bruised area.

I moan then I hear, "It's about time you two hot heads make up, but Bri the kids are in here." Jared says and all our kids begin laughing.

I push Brileon off me and he whimpers. He moves to pull me back into his arms again and I push him away again.

"Will you stop! The kids and Jared are in here." I tell him quickly adjusting my tank top over my bruised breast.

Everyone in the room avert their eyes accept Brileon of course. He is staring at me with those darn gorgeous eyes of his. I feel a blush rise on my pecan cheeks and his erection hardens.

I grab his arm and gently pull him onto the bed. He comes willingly and I scoot over.

"Get under the cover and cover your manhood through those pants. They leave little doubt what you want." I whisper into his ear.

Brileon chuckles and does as I say. He picks up the plate of food and hands it to me. I look down at the plate which has entirely too much food for me.

"Eat Ala. I will finish what you do not want." Brileon says. He quickly kisses my lips and I smile.

After I eat what I want. I hand the rest to Brileon which is still a big portion.

He looks at me and says, "Ala you barely ate anything. Please eat more sweetheart."

"I will later, but I can't now. My stomach is in knots. Please hand me those pills and that root beer next to you."

Brileon hands me the pills and the drink. I take them and sit back against the pillows on my bed. Brileon eats almost all the rest of the food on the plate then he stands and walks to the table. He puts the food that neither of us touched back into the container than walks back over to the bed. He gets back under the cover with me and pulls me close to him. I don't argue. I can feel the pills start to work and my body start to relax. I lay my head on his shoulder and he smiles. We watch the kids finish eating and then they jump up and run to us.

"Momma can we eat some cake please!" They say looking at me with those adorable eyes like their father and my mother.

Logan and Lindsey's eyes are the same color as Brileon. Logan's eyes also change to look like my father's when he is angry which is weird, but everything these days is weird. Ala focus! What was I thinking about again? Oh yeah! My kids eyes. Layla's eyes are the same as my mom's. Her eyes are hazel, but they turn the same colors as Brileon's when she is upset.

I laugh and say, "Yes, but only a small piece." I tell them and start yawning.

They rush over to the table and pull the cakes out the boxes. When they see the cakes they smile at me and pick up a knife off the table then I realize I did not light the candles or sing them happy birthday.

"Wait!" I yell and they stop. I jump off the bed too fast. My head starts swimming. I grab my head and have to sit back on the bed. At least I try to. I almost hit the floor, but I feel strong arms catch me. Brileon scoops me up and looks down at me with concern on his face.

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