State of Emergency

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3 a.m.

(The Next Day)

I am jolted awake by a Special Report from the news. Ala jumps up as well.

"What is it?" Ala asks.

"Ssh! sweetheart they are about to tell us." I reply.

This is a special report from CBS News.

"It is 4:00 a.m. here in Washington, D.C. Hi everyone Alisa Lansky and Tom Morrow reporting. We are sorry to wake you so early in the morning, but we are under a state of emergency. The White House has been breached. The good news is President Anton, First Lady Barbara, and their children have escaped. We will not be disclosing their whereabouts for safety reasons. The President has urged everyone to stay indoors. National Guard has been activated. We will keep you informed as events unfold. God be with you all. God Bless! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programs." Alisa Lansky and Tom Morrow say and my phone goes off.

I get up out the bed and get my cell phone out of my pants off the floor next to me. Everyone comes running into the room and Ala uses the remote on her dresser to turn on the lights in her room.

I open the phone and hit the button to answer the call.

"Brileon speaking." I say.

"Brileon My God! Thank God you answered. Where are you? I don't know where to go. Nowhere is safe. What do you suggest my friend?" President Anton says in a rush.

"President Anton can you hold for just a second?" I ask.

"Yes, of course, but hurry we are being chased as we speak." President Anton says.

Ala gets out the bed with wide eyes. She walks over to me, bends down and opens my pants so I can step into them. I stand up and step into them. She pulls them up and zips them. I nod my thanks.

She whispers, "You're welcome."

"Ala, I have to go get the President and his family they are not safe. Will you be okay if I leave you and my sons here?" I ask.

"Yes, of course." Ala says.

"President Anton where are you?" I ask.

"Brileon I don't even know if it is safe to tell you on this line. Send me a message of your location I am coming to you." President Anton says.

"Um...just a second." I say and put my hand on the phone.

"Mr. Kenton he wants me to text him my current location since he is not sure if the line he is on is safe. Is that..." I start to ask.

"Yes, Brileon! Goodness man tell him before more hell breaks loose." Mr. Kenton says and I smile.

"I will text you on the phone I gave you my friend as soon as we hang up." I tell President Anton.

"Thanks Brileon. Will see you in a few hours." President Anton says.

I end the call and scroll through my wrist link. I find the number to the phone I gave President Anton and I text him the address to Mr. Kenton safe house.


3 ½ hours later

Someone is banging on the door. Mr. Kenton disarms the alarm and opens the door. President Anton, his secret service, his wife, and kids rush in.

I walk up and President Anton embraces me in a manly hug.

"Thank God! You made it here safe. What happened?" I ask him.

"Auntie Barbara, Auntie Barbara!" Alton and Ramsey say running up to First Lady Barbara she catches them and takes them into a hug.

President Anton looks at her and she nods.

"Come everyone let's all go somewhere else while your dad and the President discuss important matters." First lady Barbara says.

"Anton I request that my guard, my mother, the elder Kenton's, and Mr. Kenton's sister stay." I reply.

"Of course Brileon." President Anton says.

"Ala, can you please escort the first lady and the kids upstairs?" I ask.

"Yes, of course." She says smiling at me. I return her smile and she says,

"First lady Barbara please follow me."

Ala, the first lady, the kids, and her siblings all walk upstairs. While Dr. Harper who I forgot was here walks back to her room down here next to the one my mom and kids are in.

I turn to President Anton and he says,

"Brileon she is a beauty. Whew! If I wasn't married and was younger." President Anton says.

"Anton you are my friend, but you go too far." I reply nostrils flaring and fists balled.

President Anton chuckles and grabs my fists.

"Calm down my friend. I love Barbara always have and always will. I was just messing with you. She is a beauty though. I see you love the girl. I can tell by the way you look at her. It is the same way I look at Barbara." President Anton says.

I smile and relax.

"So, tell us what happened." I say.

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