Speeding To Safety

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Ramsey's Point of View

I am going over 90 miles an hour. Lord please don't let me get pulled over I keep saying over and over again. Even though getting pulled over may be a good thing so the police can take us into custody before Danica and Nathan get us. What am I saying? I stabbed Nathan and he healed rapidly showing the police will be no match for them.

I am shaking so bad and my hands are clutching the steering wheel as if my life depends on it. Wait! My life and my younger brother's life does depend on it. I am a nervous wreck. I can't even think straight. My mind is focused on two things the road ahead and getting to the address in Galveston, Texas where Ala is as fast as possible. Oh, and making sure I don't kill anyone along the way. Okay, my mind is focused on three things.

I glance over at Alton who looks just as scared as me. He is shaking just as bad as I am. One of his hands is clutching the door for support while I drive like a mad man. The other is in his mouth as he is chewing on his nails. It is a nervous habit of his. It occurs when he is around Danica or when he has to take a test at school.

I feel so pathetic. I couldn't even fight off Nathan. All I could do was grab Alton and drag him behind me and haul ass to one of our dad's cars. We both would have been dead if Danica wouldn't have made him release us. The only reason why she told him to release us was to use us as leverage against her fiancé (my idiotic excuse of a father). I know that is horrible to say and I ask God for forgiveness, but he has truly been acting like a fool over Danica. The bad part about it is she doesn't love him and he doesn't love her. It is strickly a sexual relationship between them. I cringe and shiver as always at the thought of Danica. She makes my skin crawl the same way my birth father Joshua Bricard does. He is evil and I have no doubt she is as well.

I get off at the Galveston exit thanking God that the police have not stopped me. I look in my rear view mirror and do not see a car following us. I begin to slow down then all of a sudden a car appears out of nowhere.

"What the hell?" I exclaim.

"What?" Alton asks eyes wide with fright as he looks behind us.

"There was no car there just a second ago. Now there is one gaining on us fast." I reply stepping on the gas. I reach the address that Ala gave us long ago and come to an abrupt stop. I switch off the ignition, jump out, and slam the door followed by Alton who does the same thing.

We rush to the door. I start banging on the door while Alton rings the door bell. I look at him with a wow really expression on my face.

He smirks and says, "Well if she doesn't hear your loud banging she is bound to hear the door bell ringing incessantly."

"True!" I reply praying she hurries up or we will be captured by Nathan and Danica.

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