Mystery of The Golden Sword

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Not fully edited!


The street is lit up thank God, but there is a slight chill to the air. The temperature must be dropping. I can feel it on the ground against my bare feet as I run away from Brileon's palace and my children. I sob at the thought of leaving my triplets behind, but I don't know what else to do. Brileon's comment about me not being able to keep the triplets safe cuts deep. I am now second guessing myself as a parent. The crazy part about all this is that if I would have just stayed in Wichita Falls instead of going to Galveston he would never have found me. I wouldn't be going through this right now, but then his sons would be being held for ransom. What am I saying? Those young men were almost killed by Nathan. Danica almost killed Ramsey. My God! Those poor young men. My heart skips a beat at the thought of leaving them too. If Brileon marries Danica, I don't see neither of the boys surviving for very long. I slow down no longer sure if running away is the best thing to do. All Brileon's insults hurt, but somehow I feel that running away is a mistake. If something was to happen to any of the kids I would feel horrible. I also realize that nothing I could have done would have stopped Jason from hurting me and my triplets. In addition, I realize that maybe Ramsey and Alton were the reasons God left us here verses taking us all home three years ago. My thoughts are interrupted as I hear a female voice in my head.

"Ala my queen where are you? It is not safe for you. Someone is not too far up ahead of you. I am not sure who it is. Please stop running I am near and will come get you."

"What in the world? Who are you?" I whisper and come to an abrupt halt  wondering who the female voice is I am hearing in my head.

A few seconds later Tasha drops down in front of me and I ask, "Was that your voice I was hearing in my head?"

"Yes, my queen hurry and get on me the person is getting closer they...." Is all Tasha gets out as a knife pierces my left leg.

I cry out and fall to the ground dropping everything that was in my hands.  Tasha walks in front of me and says, "Ala stay behind me I will protect you until Brileon gets here."

I do as she says. I have no other choice I am in excruciating pain. This knife hurts like hell. I grab my saber and strap it around my waist realizing that someone took the time to put it back in its holster. I put my wallet in the pocket of my pajama pants and wish I had a jacket and shoes.  I am freezing. I look down at my leg with the knife in it and gasp. It is one of the knives I threw at Danica and Nathan. Which tells me one of them threw it at me. I try to stand, but the knife lodges deeper into my leg. I yelp and hiss. Ramsey runs up and helps me off the ground. He lets me lean against his muscular form. I feel tears on my shoulder since he is 6'0" tall and look up at him.

"Momma you okay? Please, don't leave us. I don't think we will survive without you." Ramsey says while weeping.

I hear the holy spirit say, "I left you all here for them Ala. I know it is hard, but I am with you. Be at peace."

I feel a rush of peace and tears flow down my face as God confirms the reason why the triplets and I did not perish years ago. I thank God that he helped me defeat Jason again and rub Ramsey's back with my hand that is around his back.

I lay my head against his shoulder and say, "I am not son. I realized my error in running just as Tasha came to warn me about the person who threw this knife at me."

"Thank God!" Ramsey says. He smiles and swipes the tears from his face.

I look down the lit street, but don't see anyone. The lights are dimming which is rather strange and I back up. I hiss and cry out as the knife sinks deeper into my leg.  Ramsey moves to lift me up, but Tasha says,

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