My Son Is Born

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King Brileon

2 weeks later

"Congratulations! King Brileon it's a boy." Doctor Ricardo exclaims.

"Thank you!" I smile and my heart fills with joy.

Doctor Ricardo cuts the umbilical cord, cleans my son, and wraps him in a blanket. She hands him to me since Trisha is asleep. She cleans the after birth from Trisha and lets her rest.

"He is so handsome. What will you name him?" Barbara asks.

"Alton Liam Triston." I respond.

"Wow! Your last name is Triston."

"Yep, my dad's name was Leon Reginald Triston. Most people called him by our last name which he preferred." I say as I look at my son who cannot yet see fully. His eyes are brown with turquoise blue irises. His hair is jet black with turquoise highlights like mine. He has the Alexin crest and wings of protection as birth marks just like I do. Every king and his son bear these birth marks.

"Bri can I hold him?" Trisha asks awake now.

Lately she has been more affectionate. She has been kissing me and hugging me too. I like it and have grown to care for her. I still do not love her though.

"Yes, of course. He is your son too." I say and kiss her forehead. Trisha smiles. I hand her Alton. She kisses his forehead and takes his little finger in hers.

"I love you Alton." Trisha says.

"Bri can you take him back." Trisha asks.

"Yes." I respond.

I assume she is exhausted and take our son back. Trisha eyes roll back, she stops breathing, and her arms fall.

"My God! Is she dead!" I say aghast.

"Code Blue Dr. Ricardo requests assistance in Ob-Ward." Dr. Ricardo exclaims on the intercom.

All nurses and Emergency Staff come rushing into the room.

"King Brileon and Barbara can you please step out?" Dr. Ricardo asks.

Barbara has tears cascading down her face and I am just standing in the room in shock. Jared walks in and escorts us both out.


Five minutes later

Dr. Ricardo walks out to the nursery where we are with Alton.

"I am sorry King Brileon Trisha is gone. We could not revive her." Dr. Ricardo says with tears in her eyes.

Tears stream down my face for losing Trisha. I cared for her, even though she did not truly care for me. I will miss her. She was a good friend, and tried to be a good wife. I realized without love the marriage was doomed from the start. I will not remarry until I find the teenage girl who is my soul mate. For now with Lana, Barbara, and my people's help I will raise Alton by myself.

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