Memories of The Past Resurface

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They all back up towards the wall in the bathroom. Oh shit!


My triplets eyes take on the tunnel vision look and it takes everything in me to stay strong and not have a flashback of that horrible day three years ago.

"Logan I am scared!" Layla says.

"Ssh! Layla we will get out of these chains. God will help us." Logan says and tears start to fall down my face.

"Yeah right! We don't have a key and none of us have the strength to break these chains. We are in this mess, because I accepted the invitation to go shopping with Ms. Renee. I didn't know she was Jason's fiancé." Lindsey says.

"None of us did Lindsey. Not even mom, Renee pretended to be all of our friends." Logan says.

"Ssh! I hear footsteps." Logan says.

My children are shaking in fear. Have mercy! I walk up to their shaking forms and try to snap them back to the present. If I don't snap them back soon I will follow them and that will not be good at all.

I bend down and say, "Sweethearts come back. Momma is fine. I am right here." I say kissing each one of their heads.

"Momma! Thank God! Momma is here. See Lindsey I told you she would come." Logan says.

I groan and drop my head. It didn't work. Lord Jesus! Have mercy.

"Momma is in chains too. My God Logan! Momma has whip marks on her back. Some of her skin is missing." Layla says biting her finger nails.

Lindsey shrieks and clutches both sides of her face. She looks down at her hands and starts shaking.

"Momma! Logan! Help! He has a knife. Stop! Please! I didn't do you anything!" Lindsey says and shrieks again. She looks at her hands again and shrieks even more.

"Blood! My God! So much blood! Momma! Please. Please momma help us!" Lindsey says and I am sobbing now.

Layla shrieks. "God please help us! Please!"

"No! Mr. Jason stop! Please don't! Please not my fingers! No!" Layla shrieks and passes out cold. I am near hysteria myself.

"My God! My babies! I am going to kill him!" King Brileon rages voice sounding like a sonic boom.

Logan cuts him off as he yells, "I will kill you! Dammit Jason! I promise if I get free I will kill you!" Logan says.

Logan body moves as it did years before. I remember him breaking the chains, and charging towards Jason. Then without my wanting it I go back to that day along with my children.


"Logan no!" I cry out. I am in chains and my back is burning, bleeding, and I know there is flesh missing from the whip marks on my back. My body feels feverish and tears are falling down my face.

"Jason stop please! It is me you want. Why are you hurting them? They did not kill your son. I did." I cry out.

Jason doesn't listen he slams Logan to the floor. I wince and fight against the chains holding me captive. Logan uses his legs and kicks Jason off him. Jason goes flying and lands three feet away. Jason gets up a second later and picks Logan up. He grabs Logan by the neck and starts to strangle him. Logan uses his left leg and kicks Jason in the shin. Jason's bones crack in his leg. He shrieks and falls to the ground hard. Logan rushes to me and breaks the chains on my wrist with his hands. I am so weak it is ridiculous. I am shaking, but I have to be strong. I have to get my kids to safety.

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