The Kenton Terror

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King Brileon's

"Young woman please excuse our daughters. As you can see our girls do not get much excitement. They do not dress like you either. You were well trained. Your father must be very proud to have you as a daughter." Jon Trussell says as we walk onto the space ship.

Once we are all on. I close the hatch with my wrist link. Mr. Kenton walks up and pulls Ala into a half hug.

"Yes, I am. She like her..." Mr. Kenton starts to reveal something. He pauses as his eyes get misty then he quickly regains his composure.

I can immediately tell that Mr. Kenton lost someone, but whether it is a child or family member I am not sure.

"Excuse me y'all. As I was saying yes I am. She was always attached to my hip verses her mothers. I believe my father is also to blame. He spoiled her. He was the one that would get her to wear dresses. He called her his little princess." Mr. Kenton says looking at Ala.

Their eyes meet and tears start falling down their faces "Yeah, he didn't tell you he threatened to beat my butt if I didn't wear them did he." Ala says.

"No, he didn't." Mr. Kenton says and smiles.

He would say, "Ala you are to pretty to walk around in those britches. Britches are for men." Ala says mimicking her grandfather.

Her father laughs as well as her siblings who have come out their rooms.

"You were always good at mimicking him." Mr. Kenton says.

"Yep! He would say gal if you don't stop mocking me I will tan your rear, then start laughing afterward. So, tell me how was I supposed to take him serious?" Ala asks her father.

"Little Al you had big Al wrapped around your finger." Mr. Kenton says and all the Kenton's shake their heads acknowledging his statement as the truth.

Ala smiles.

"Dad, you haven't called me that in years." Ala says.

"It was very painful losing him Ala." Mr. Kenton says and starts sobbing.

Ala hugs her father and says, "Remember he had me crying, because he told all the boys to call me the Kenton Terror."

Ala's parents and her sibling start chuckling. She I notice is good at bringing joy to people when they are sad.

"Yes, I remember. I miss that old fossil. He would call you gal and say, "Andrew you better stop that gal from wearing them britches and from fighting like a man no decent fella is going to want her. They are going to holler, "RUN THE KENTON TERROR IS A COMIN."

Everyone on the ship starts laughing at that one.

"Yeah, but he was teaching me how to fight too. Grandma took this picture of us before she passed on my 14th birthday." Ala says. She steps back and reaches into the bottom right pocket on her cargo pants. She pulls out a wallet and takes out a picture. She hands it to her dad.

"My goodness Ala you could have been grandpa's mini me. The female version of course." Ala's dad says.

Ala's eyes tear up and her family comes around passing the picture.

"Can I see?" I ask.

"Sure, honey." Mrs. Kenton says.

I look at the picture and goodness they were not lying. One would think that Ala was her grandfather's daughter verses his granddaughter. She looks like a younger female version of him. As they said his mini me. The picture is passed around and everyone smiles.

"Ala, do you remember Lennox?" Chase asks.

Ala blushes and I become jealous.

"Who is Lennox?" I ask trying not to sound jealous, but failing miserably.

All the men smile at me, but I ignore them. I want to know who the hell is Lennox and why is she blushing at the mention of his name?

Jared is trying his hardest to contain his laughter and I glower at him.

Candace squeals and grabs onto Ala's left arm. "Ooh! I remember Lennox he was the gorgeous light skinned junior at our high school that had all of us drooling."

Now Jared is scowling and I can't help but chuckle. He glares at me.

"Ooh! Ala he is so gorgeous. He has brown curly hair that is always braided, grey eyes, and remember his lips I always wanted to kiss him."

"You and every other teenage girl in high school. Me included. Whew! Lennox was one of those guys you just scream and faint over." Ala replies giggling with her younger sister.

I am instantly pissed. How dare she moon over someone else beside me.

"Yeah!" Candace says and all the unmarried women come running causing Chase, and Jared to get upset.

"Do you have a picture?" The Trussell daughters, Lana, Kirsten, and Sir Abramson's daughter say in unison.

"I do." Chase says and Ala turns a shade lighter.

"Chase you did not keep that picture." Ala says.

"Yep! Black mail baby." Chase says giggling as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a photo from his wallet. He takes the photo out and Ala lunges at him trying to get the photo. Chase dodges her and comes standing by all the men.

I smile. Chase is how I would be if I had sisters.

"Ala doesn't want everyone to know that he had heard the rumor of her being the Kenton Terror. She didn't get ten feet in front of Lennox before he shrieked and fainted. The poor guy was scared to death of a 95 pound girl." Chase says laughing.

He shows us the picture of Lennox passed out on the floor and Ala's face is priceless.

"He is a girly man passing out over a mere slip of a girl." Prime Minister Jon Trussell says and starts laughing.

"That's exactly what I told her Prime Minister when she came home crying. He wasn't worth crying over if he was afraid of her." Mr. Kenton says.

"Dad! He was the cutest guy in school." Ala says blushing and it takes everything in me not to pick her up and carry her to my room to make her forget about this Lennox guy.

"Andrew that boy is cute." Mrs. Kenton says after coming around with the older women to view the picture of Lennox.

Mr. Kenton scowls.

Mrs. Kenton smiles with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I have to agree." All the women say in unison sighing.

"Lydia I don't know about you, but if I was younger and not married I would definitely let him kiss me." Mrs. Abramson tells Mrs. Trussell causing Mr. Abramson to scowl.

"Yeah girl! Me too." Mrs. Trussell says.

"What?!" Sir Rupert Abramson and Prime Minister Trussell say in unison.

Their wives chuckle and have a mischievous glint in their eyes. I immediately know what they are doing and smile. They want their husbands just as I want Ala.

"Okay, Brileon. Me thinks we need to show our women what real men can do?" Sir Rupert Abramson says and all the men start smiling.

Lana, Candace, Mrs. Kenton, Mrs. Abramson, and Mrs. Trussell all back up. They take off running and the men catch them. Chase, Jared, Mr. Kenton, Sir Rupert, and Prime Minister Jon Trussell pick up their women. They carry them to their rooms and all is quiet at least for now.

I start chuckling.

"Men." Ala says and I stalk towards her.

Ala takes off running and shuts the door to her room.

She doesn't know she selected the room connected to mine which is hilarious. 

Kirsten smiles at me, shakes her head, and walks to the pilot seat knowing that she will be flying us back to Dallas, Texas.

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