Starting Anew

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Candace looks at me as we stare at the small vid screen that hangs down from the ceiling of the car.

"Where in the world did that come from?" Candace asks with a shaky voice. I can see from her neck that her pulse is up. The vein in her neck is throbbing.

"I put it in my vehicle." Jared says and Candace starts cussing.

"Ala, we need to get a rental. I apologize. I forgot this is his vehicle." Candace says as tears start to fall down her face in torrents. She starts visibly shaking as she unbuckles the seat belt. She opens her coat and closes her eyes for several minutes. I see her lips move as she prays and their is complete silence on the vidscreen. Jared's face looks stricken as he watches her.

She stops praying and looks at me. She swipes tears from her face and says, "I am exiting your car now mister."

"Good, I am glad. My prince just told me I could sell the truck you are in." Alisa says as I look at the screen.

"Prince?! What Prince?" I ask.

"Oh, my I forgot. You didn't know. Jared is a prince. He didn't tell you that did he Candace. Oh well, it shows just how unimportant you were to him." Alisa says and Candace just shakes her head.

My little sister looks at me and her lips quiver. I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb over to her. "They broke me Ala. I am so sorry I am not as strong as you. I am getting there though. It is just hard carrying twins and all. Can you please take me away from here. I have money that I have been earning on my own. It is sad that I saw this day coming. I will let go now. I have too or I could lose my babies." Candace weeps against me.

I hug her as I always have when she gets like this. Then I start to sob as I rub her back. "Candy please don't cry. You know I can't stand it. Please don't let them break your spirit. Remember the joy of the Lord is your strength. I know this is hard. Believe me I feel just like you feel. Especially, since we are in the same boat. Come, we will leave all this sadness behind and start anew. I have money too. Thank God! I also have a place we can stay that no one knows about. So, no one will ever hurt us again." I say then I weep with my sister. Whatever is being said on the vidscreen isn't even penetrating my frazzled mind.

My kids come to the doors and open them. I swipe tears from my face and Candace collapses against me.

"Candace! Candace! My God! Please help her." I shout as two SUV's pull up next to us.

Ramsey jumps out of one and Alton jumps out the other. Ramsey lifts my sister out the truck as Logan helps me out.

"Come mom. I bought a doctor to look after my aunt.  Alton and I will fly my plane to our secret home. He is telling Logan and the rest of our siblings what we have planned. We have enough space in these vehicles for our siblings. Kaylee is pulling up in a third vehicle. She will take Bree, and the younger kids." Ramsey says as he carries his aunt to the back of the SUV he just drove up in.

I move to get the kids out the back seat but I stumble. "Mom go sit down on the back seat next to Doctor Lynn. She will check you and your sister out." Alton says as I sway even more. He lifts me into his arms and rushes me to the passenger seat of Ramsey's SUV.

"One sister is out completely while the other is almost there." Ramsey says after he gets into the driver's seat. Alton shuts the door by me then he rushes to the driver seat of his vehicle. He shuts the door and waits for Ramsey to pull out.

I see Kaylee putting the kids in her vehicle along with Layla. My stomach growls and so does Candace stomach even though she has passed out. The doctor injects something into Candace's arm and says, "Your sister will be fine. She needs to stop stressing and has got to eat more. She also needs to drink more. As soon as we get on the plane I will give both of you a meal."

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