His Secrets Hurt

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December 22, 2055


Ashton is staring at Kaylee, but she isn't paying him any attention. I can tell he is concerned about her.
It is written all over his face. He is a wonderful guy. He deserves a woman who truly loves him.

It seems as if there is one thing all his friends, but one have in common. They choose women who don't truly care about them. The women care about money, sex, their own beauty, the man's looks, and his social status.

I stand in the Musso's home reflecting on the few relationships I've had. I can say that I am not much different. Jason wasn't greedy behind money, but he was vain. He was and may still be violent.

I can also say that I do enjoy looking at men who are handsome and muscular. Yet, I loved Jason when he gained weight. He didn't always have the body of a male model. Especially, not when we first met. I
remember falling in love with him for being a gentleman. Yet, at times I sensed that he wasn't being completely honest with me. Brileon said he sensed the same thing with Danica. He even admitted being in love with her. I guessed as much. How could he not be? Especially, after comparing me to her. It hurts that he could confide in his male friends, but not in me.

I still block my thoughts from him, because I realize that he does the same to me. Is it right? No, but if I don't he would know just how much I know he lies to me. He has never truly opened up to me fully. His secrets I see while he sleeps. He was hurt by Danica. He would cry for her as he cried for Trisha. I have always wanted to be his best friend, but I see that his buds are. Just as Danica was. Even with all her faults she did listen to him. I often wonder if I was too quick in marrying him. Maybe he should have married Danica.

Mrs. Musso looks at me along with Kaylee. Kaylee walks over to me and wraps her arm around mine. "Come on cuz. I think we need to have a girl talk." Kaylee says.

"Um...I think I need to join in." Mrs. Musso says as her husband walks back into the room.

Something silent passes between them and he frowns. Then she says, "Okay, all the men can leave along with the kids."

"Whoa! What's going on?" Brileon says as he looks at me.

"Your wife needs some time alone son. Come I am headed to the front of the house with you guys too." Brileon's mom says, but he remains in the room.

"Ala, what's wrong?" He asks.

I don't know how to answer that question. I honestly want to say, "Everything! You are not being honest with me. I am wondering why I married you, especially after finding out you were, or still are in love with Danica."

I don't say anything though. I just sigh and go to the bathroom. I close the door behind myself and start to weep. I lock the door not wanting to be interrupted. Yet, this is so not my house. I am such an emotional mess.

My phone pings in my pocket and I pull it out.

"What's wrong cuz? You look just as depressed as I feel." Kaylee asks.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Yeah right. You do know I can read your facial expressions right?" She asks.

"Yes, I do. I can read yours too young miss." I reply.

"Lol! We are quite pitiful huh?" She says.

"Yeah, we should be making sure grandma Denton leaves this world filled with happiness." I reply.

"True that." She says and I chuckle.

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