Intergalatic Police Meeting

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April 2054

Months have passed and there is no sign of Danica, Nathan, Aliza, or any of the rogues. Well, some of the rogues that were under Jason actually turned themselves in after the night I appeared at Ala's grandfather's house last year.

Ala and her siblings know everything I know. They know that their father is the heir to the Rosarian throne even though the planet no longer exists. He is still a Rosarian Prince.

Their grandfather is the King of Rosaria and their mother is a princess by marriage. She is a human from earth. It was her ancestors that were pirates and Drewli's dad is also part human. His great great grandfather, and great grandfather were musketeers. So, that is where the musketeer hat comes from. His grandfather came to America with his wife and they had Alan, and his two siblings. What happened to Ala's grandfather's siblings I have no idea? What I do know is the Rosarians live a long time? I have no idea how old that man is? He looks good for his age though.

Anyway, I also found out that the man I thought was my father one Leon Triston was in love with Ala's mom. He became so enraged when she didn't marry him that he poisoned her right after she had Lucian. He somehow managed to get in the hospital room while Drewli was in the other room with Lucian waiting for her to have Ala. Leon Triston injected some type of poison into her blood and she stared to die with Ala still inside her.

With God's guidance a lady came whose name no one remembers. She told Ala's grandfather to give her some of what Ala calls fire juice with honey. She gave Ala's mom ice cream to bring down her fever and handed Dr. Alan Kentolian a vial that she said contained the cure that would save both Ala and her mom. He injected the contents into Mrs. Elizabeth I mean Kenton since that is the name they prefer. She became well instantly and had Ala five minutes later. Ala's mom hates needles even more than Ala does. So, that was the reason why she broke down when Ala's blood had to be drawn to cure me.

I remember going ballistic and nearly destroying the room we were in when I found that out. I would be without my other half. Just as Mr. Drewli Kentolian would be without his.

I sit here realizing that I have been such a fool. Instead of me marrying Ala like I promised when she was pregnant with our babies I stayed away. I got back with Danica and was going to marry her. All I can say for my actions is that I was scared and hurt. I believe I was honestly in love with Trisha though I never admitted it. Her actions hurt me so bad I took it out on Ala.

I also realize, there was so much I didn't know. Like the fact, that The Mystic Akyrians, Rosarians, and Dovians have been on Earth for years. No one knew they were aliens, because they would remain in human form while on Earth. I was told they actually came to Alexin on several occasions before the planet became unhealthy. That is how my mom, my father, her parents, brother, and my great aunt was saved. Some of them were even on Liria before it exploded.

King Yardley and his son Prince Regent Nipty Yardley really filled me in on a lot of facts. Nipty will not be crowned king until 2070. His father's health has improved with the help of God. God guided me me to bring King Alan Kentolian to elder Mr. Yardley. King Kentolian gave King Yardley some of the Fire Juice(which is actually Rosarian Fire Aloe Juice). It is called Fire Aloe because of its reddish orange color leaves that sprout off the green aloe plant that people have mistaken as flames in the night. I saw the leaves myself and even I mistook them for flames. Needless, to say I freaked out. Well anyway, the arrival of King Brentian from Kupieron helped too. The mixture of the Fire Juice and the Kupieron Rose saved King Yardley's life.

I sit in our chambers with a pregnant Ala. Yes, thank God! She has conceived our fourth child. She will be having another girl. So now I will have three boys and three girls. I am so happy. I kiss her lips and she smiles.

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