Chapter 8

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*Few Hours Later*


I was sleeping, lying my back on the door while hugging my knees. I feel that the door is being pushed to open it, so I stand up from my place and take a few steps away from the door.

The door opens revealing Jin. "Now what do you want?" I yelled feeling scared. "Nothing i-" he said walking in the room but i cut his sentence "Plz let me go" I begged. "Hey! Calm down and listen to me. We won't hurt you" he said, taking my hand and making me sit on the edge of bed while he sat in front of me. "Plz don't hurt my brother. I beg you" I said, joining my both hands 🙏 and my tears streaming to my cheeks. "Don't do this" he said, wiping my tears and then holding my hands in his hands. "Don't cry. We won't hurt you and neither will your brother" he said comforting me. "But he said he would kill my brother if I didn't do what he said and I don't want to. Plz let me go. I don't want to stay here" I said.

"I can't go against his order. No one can dare to go against him and I know he will do nothing to you nor your brother. I know him since so long he seems cold, rude and heartless but actually he is not. He is like coconut, hard from outside but soft and sweet from inside. Trust me" he said comforting me and I smiled a little bit nodding my head. Jisso came holding a tray of food in her hand. Jin took that tray and placed it in front of me. "Now eat it" he said. "Umm No, i don't want to. I am not hungry" I said, shaking my head. "You need energy so eat it. One more thing you don't have to be afraid of us. You are like a sister to me. You can call me oppa and others too if you want. Everyone will be happy to hear it and if you want something just let us know. Okay?" he said and I just nodded.

He stood up from bed. "After eating take rest you will feel better" he said patting my head and starting walking. "Thank you O-Oppa". i said nervously. He turns back and gives me a warm smile and then leaves the room. I start eating and finish my food then I put the tray on the side table. I go to the bathroom and take a warm shower to wash out all my worries. I return to my room and go to bed. I start thinking about the words Jin oppa told me. I want to trust him but I can't trust Taehyung. I can't stop thinking about that bastard Taehyung. I don't want him to do anything to my brother. I don't know when I drifted to sleep while thinking about those things.

*End Of Y/N*

*At Night*

*Taehyung POV*

I return home and see everyone sitting at the launch. I go to them and ask about y/n. "why are you doing this to her?" Jin hyung asked. "I want to marry her. Is this answer enough for you?" I said sitting on the couch. "What!!!" everyone altogether. "Do you have any idea what you are saying?huh? She is so cute and innocent with zero confidence and lives a normal life so far. while on the other hand you..... you are the most powerful gangster who has killed so many people yet and you also have many enemies because of many other reasons too who just want a single chance to kill you. Do you think she can survive in this cruel world" Namjoon hyung said worriedly. "I know. I have already thought about these things. I will protect her from everything" I explained.

"Yeah we know you can protect her but you can't make her stay away from blood if she stays with you" Yoongi hyung said. "Blood?? What do you mean?" I asked confusedly. "I also did some research and found out that she had a blood phobia" Yoongi hyung explained. "What! then it's impossible for her to survive here because your world rotates around blood and dead bodies" Hoseok hyung said shockingly. "She will overcome it when she becomes used to it. I will take care of it. You don't have to worry about anything" I said angrily and stood up. "but-" Jin hyung said. I didn't give a shit to him and walked upstairs leaving everyone dumbfounded.

I go to y/n's room. I open the door and walk in quietly. I saw y/n sleeping peacefully. I bend to her level and admire her face, her pink lips, her soft cheeks. A smile appeared on my face and I caressed her soft checks then suddenly she opened her eyes in shock and backed away from me. She sat on the bed far from me "W-what? What do you w-want?" she said, shuttering and scared. I quickly changed my expression from soft to rude. "Answer, What else i want Baby. Your 12 hours are over. Now give me your one word answer" i demand. "Plz let me go" she said. "Answer Baby answer" I said seriously. "Plz for GOD sake let me go. i don't want to stay here". she begged. "Yes or No?" i said angrily. "N-No" after a few minutes of silence she said scaredly. "Okay" I said, shrugging my shoulder. She looks at me confused and then I take out my mobile from my pocket and call someone. I put the phone on speaker.

*On The Phone*

Taehyung: Hello?

???: Yes Boss.

Taehyung: Where is he?

???: In front of me.

Taehyung: What is he doing?

???: Eating.... Boss.

Taehyung: Make sure this meal would be his last meal. (I make an eye contact with her smirking)

???: Okay Boss.

"No" She yelled worriedly. "I-i will do whatever you say" she added. "Really?" I asked. She nodded and looked down with tears in her eyes.

Taehyung: Wait... I have changed my mind. Let him live.

???: Okay Boss.

*Hung up*

"Okay let's see if you are really willing or not" I said , smirking. "Take my shirt off of me" I ordered. She looked at me shocked. "I said take my shirt off of me" I said angrily, waving my phone in front of her face. She gulped nervously. She gets up from bed and comes near me. She reached her hand shakingly to my buttons and started unbuttoning it one by one while looking away from me, her tears starting to fall from her eyes. My heart started pounding in my chest and loud enough to hear my own beating.

I hold her hand and

























To Be Continued................

HAHAHAHAHA. I'll let you all guess till the next chapter.

Comment me what are your guesses.


Gangster In Love (Kim Taehyung/V FF)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα