slashers x reader part 2

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Warning: cussing and mentions of death and suicide. 

The door slid open and you snapped your head towards the sound. Several people walked into the room. There were two teenage boys, one that was burned but wore a striped sweater, one wore a white latex mask, one wore a hockey mask and one weilded a chainsaw. You eyed all of them all while pulling at your restraints. 

"Look what we have here?" the burned one yelled, aiming the overhead light at your face. You thrashed at him, "Fuck you you miserable piece of shit." You spat at him, he chuckled at your attempt and pushed your head back down into the metal table. "You're making this so much more fun." he said. 

"Alright boys, remember the game. She is cut loose and has approximately ten minutes head start. Then it's free game. First kill wins." the burned one said. He cut your arm and leg restraints and leaned down by your ear. "You have ten minutes." he chuckled out. You scrambled off the table. "Look at her go!" The taller of the two teenage boys laughed loudly. 

You bolted through the house, trying to find an exit. You reached the door and looked around outside. The woods would be too easy for them. They had to know that was what you were planning. You spotted an old barn several yards away. You began running for it. You threw they door open and slammed it behind you, piling things in front of it. 

You climbed the ladder and sat in the hay bales. After a few minutes you heard the chainsaw whirl from one of the men. You shook heavily but tried to control your breathing as you waited. The chainsaw headed for the woods but there were still others without loud weapons that would be coming. You kept an eye on the front of the barn and tried to feel around in the hay. 

You foot hit something long and you reached for it. The moonlight shone in through cracks in the roof as you gripped the handle of your mystery item. It was a knife. It had a long spotted blade and the handle showed signs of wear and tear. Probably from farm work at some point. You gripped it by your side and jumped slightly as the barn door rocked with force. 

It took several minutes for the door to cave open but when it did, the two teenage boys came in. They strolled to the center of the barn, looking for you. The smaller one hastily tossed over canisters and boxes you may be in. The taller one began climbing the ladder. You crawled towards it, trying not to give yourself away. 

When you reached the ladder he was only halfway up. You pushed it away from the steps causing him to topple over and the ladder land on top of him. He moaned out, "You bitch." he said with frustration but stood back up. You stood and looked down at them. They made eye contact with you. "Why are you doing this?" you cried out, angry. The smaller one who the taller one referred to as Billy shrugged, "Nothing like a good chase, right Stu?" he said with a smile, looking over to his friend, and began climbing the loose planks through the wall. 

You saw the small ledge that looped around the top of the barn. It would be risky but what did you have to lose? They were eventually going to get to you anyway. You climbed onto the ledge as they watched you. It was a long way down. You still held onto the knife. They looked up at you, contemplating their next move. "You know, life has been hard enough." You cried. Billy worked on getting the ladder back up, ignoring you but Stu looked over to you. 

"And since I'm going to die anyway. I have to fight for a chance everywhere I go. I'm always the last picked, the last one out. The only reason I'm out here tonight is my stupid ex-boyfriend." you yelled hitting the wall with your knife. "I'm just so tired." you yelled in anger. You looked down at the knife in your hand and then back to the boys. 

"You know what, I'll make it easy for you." you said making both of them turn to look at you. You plunged the knife into your side and felt dizziness wash over you as you fell over the ledge. You landed in a pile of hay which cushioned the blow but you felt blood gush from your wound. The boys rushed over to you and you flinched, expecting the killing blow. However, instead you were met with Stu's worried eyes. "You idiot," he said as tears came to his eyes. "It wasn't suppose to be like this." he said holding pressure on your wound as your vision went black. 

Not the final chapter but also A/N: if you are struggling with anxiety/depression and need someone to talk to there are 1-800 help lines that's sole job is to help people in that situation. Suicide is a permanent fix to a temporary problem. Always seek help, your life is too important. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now